
Nope not for me. There are a few videos that say they are 4k UHD preview videos but playback selection only goes up to 1080p.

Heightened emotions is not an excuse for not looking both ways.

America is having a problem maintaining the libraries we already have. How about ending the "Library" or "Airport" post Presidency "Thing" (how did this all begin anyway) and start a new Post Presidency Affordable Home Ownership "Thingy".

Hi callous #2 here. I agree I think that 2% just doesn't seem so much of an impact, yes if it was an immediate friend/family member but for most it would be an acquaintance. I would gather that after 3 years "John" would still be happy to have gotten a promotion because "Bob" disappeared instead of being sad and

Im very sure he used a VERY mega pixel camera. These photos can easily be zoomed in and cropped without loosing much detail.


This completely broke my spirit. If I had one that is. Now Im sad again.

Scrappy-Doo+Kaiju= Godzooki YUCK!

I have been keeping a death tab on actress Indira Varma who plays Ellaria Sand. I think she is a fantastic actress and always look forward in anything she is in except for one thing. She always dies. Rome:HBO; Niobe: Dead, Torchwood; Suzie Costello: Dead, Luther; Zoe Luther: Dead, and now Game Of Thrones;

So glad you pointed this out. I have also read many articles and comments regarding said articles and much is in praise of this film but I just cannot see it. It was not a terrible movie but I did not find the same excitement many people are feeling for this film. I found the movie some what boring, not terrible

No. But apparently "Science" is :(


"Opium, 1986. A woman in white goes to an Indiana Jones temple and picks up a guy who's either Tarzan or Conan"

I believe this is a natural reaction during prolong saturation. Skin is smarter than we give it credit for. This "wrinkling" is a way of tightening itself to slow down the saturation of our skin and rest of our body. I'm guessing but his is what I have always just thought. It just seem the way.

Was introduced to this actor from Caprica! Yahoo anything with him in it is candy, any nudity.......gravy :)

Eating beaver does not make you a better dam builder, eating cheetahs does not make you run any faster and eating penis does not make you more virile, this just makes you a better penis eater. Not a bad thing :)


This article could be about spark plugs and this image will show up. Not complaining.

......all I hear is the ocean?