
Gentleman caller: Would you care for a ride on the carousel?

Rattus love aside, I could not get past the opening sequence. That really is an infestation. This city should implement a city wide rat "management" program. I live in NYC so the love story comes second. Still, fantastic film :)

Hmmmm, one of our first and largest human space trips is being done by an organization of which the first word of its title is "Imperial", that galaxy is not so far, far, far away after all :). And so it begins...............

I wish Tanto was more like Sheriff Bart from Blazing Saddles.

Im sure Im not the only one who is thinking that this is a take on Marauder Ants, Marauder Zombies if you will?

So technically you could re-hydrate a dehydrated zombie back to life? Assuming its "functioning" was halted due to dehydration. So imaging a whole bunch of zombies "die" due to lack of hydration, you start to collect them suddenly it starts pouring rain. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?"

Hhhhhmmmm, seem to have missed this one, too bad.

String theory?

Thanks you so much I will :)

I have found that this is due to the fact that there are no real fantasy/scifi books which happen to have a gay protagonist, most that do call themselves "gay fantasy/scifi" are just erotic novels. I love archaeology and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a book that was like Indiana Jones or a fantasy series like Dresden (which

In the original cartoon Hong Kong Phooey was a janitor at a police station so that whole clip didnt make sense to me. Although he may well have a different occupation in this version but part of the reasoning for being the janitor at a police station was so he would hear of crimes happening and be able to quickly

Agreed. Make movies affordable. $4.99. That is a price I like and if something should happen to it I have no problems replacing my $4.99 movie with another $4.99.

I agree I think this looks fun!!! Giant living fish creatures as 'carriers' and weapons for Mer-people, love it. I would buy a pre-sale movie ticket if the money from that would go to finishing the movie for distribution. IMAX even!

Yes I like the cover illustration as well.


Correction: "Christians were certain Earth was flat."

I think this is a big oops for Weng. Weng does elaborate on the French Canopy Raft Program but its still way too similar to win a prize for originality. Unless perhaps she did in fact credit the seed of her idea on the French Canopy Raft Program. I'm hoping this is the case.

+1 and added Aloha!