Agreed. Make movies affordable. $4.99. That is a price I like and if something should happen to it I have no problems replacing my $4.99 movie with another $4.99.
Agreed. Make movies affordable. $4.99. That is a price I like and if something should happen to it I have no problems replacing my $4.99 movie with another $4.99.
I agree I think this looks fun!!! Giant living fish creatures as 'carriers' and weapons for Mer-people, love it. I would buy a pre-sale movie ticket if the money from that would go to finishing the movie for distribution. IMAX even!
Yes I like the cover illustration as well.
Correction: "Christians were certain Earth was flat."
I think this is a big oops for Weng. Weng does elaborate on the French Canopy Raft Program but its still way too similar to win a prize for originality. Unless perhaps she did in fact credit the seed of her idea on the French Canopy Raft Program. I'm hoping this is the case.
+1 and added Aloha!