Now playing

Yes, this is a badass way to quit a job, and I don't think anyone is going to top it for quite a while... but since the rest of us don't really have a plane and chute to jump from, my favorite and is still this:

It's destructive, yet adorable. I love it. I'd like to install this as a hood ornament.

@LightPress: At first I was like, "this is relevant, how?... oh WAIT!!" .... and then I laughed and didn't care. HIGH-larious.

@MifuneT: But it makes it easier for those of us that don't read good.

@mecha2142: I actually got in on the Swype Beta. The funny thing is, I've used it a bit and went back to my preferred keyboard. It's a knockoff called "Shapewriter." It's free and works like a charm. Just wish it was as pretty as swype.

@Lord_Data: I haven't read any of your books.