Keep It Stupid, Stupid

I own the PS4pro with the psvr and have tried all three major players. I can say that PSVR is simple/easy and just as fun as both others. If you have a ps4I highly recommend it. You can get a ton of titles used at this point and there is a ton of free content.

I feel as though canon has said they need people flying these ships. Like the clone wars made it apparent humans need to be in charge. Remember the line when Po says to bb8 “are you flying that ship!?!” when they get picked up after riding the horse things to the beach. His connotation being hes amazed if the droid

NOOO. Why didnt she fly into the dead center? If space flight requires such easy point and go as they have shown in the movie she should have aimed dead center. I realize this would have killed ray and kylo at the plot couldnt take that but still, made no sense she went a bit off center to take downs snokes large

Yeah and the last lightsaber toss to button press on through his head was awesome.

Why didnt she aim at center mass?

Just read this on buzzfeed after seeing it on linkedin. I feel dirty after thinking about that.

Fyi there already a 20th anniversary theme that’s free and does this sound as well. I love hearing it almost everytime the ps4pro boots up. I don’t think I’ve ever even had another theme.

While I agree with you assessment I will say I live at the bottom corner of a hill with a 4 way stop. Two directions off the stop are clear dead ends. No one stop or they mostly role the sign to make the only turn there is to make at the 4 way. It crazy watching people do it and the whole neighborhood knows to watch

Im done with you. You have to option to buy the car. You can sell the car for more than that option price. Buying the car for the predetermined price and then immediately selling it for profit is the same dam thing.

Yeah, get proven wrong and your only comeback is to make fun of an obvious typo.

plural equities

I said the chance at having equity. What you have at the end of the lease is the first right of refusal(the right to buy the car for the amount stated at the begging of the lease which is the residual). There is almost no difference from leasing a car and buying it out at the end and just flat out buying the car and

With this math you forget that reducing cap cost is not needed(putting anything down). You are also forgeting that you can negotiate the price of the car before you lease it(please never pay msrp, people just think you have to when you lease and they wont tell you otherwise). I just leased a vw and got 3k off MSRP

You loose any chance to have equity by not having the right to buy it and the end of two years. $35k car 10k miles a year with a 62% residual over 3 years is $369 a month not including tax title and license(roughly 9% of the total price). So for 449 you could lease the same car, drive it for 3 years and then make a

You loose any chance to have equity by not having the right to buy it and the end of two years. 35k car 10k miles a year with a 62% residual over 3 years is $369 a month not including tax title and license(roughly 9% of the total price). So for 449 you could lease the same car, drive it for 3 years and then make a

You loose any chance to have equity by not having the right to buy it and the end of two years. 35k car 10k miles a year with a 62% residual over 3 years is $369 a month not including tax title and license(roughly 9% of the total price). So for 449 you could lease the same car, drive it for 3 years and then make a

You loose any chance to have equity by not having the right to buy it and the end of two years. 35k car 10k miles a year with a 62% residual over 3 years is $369 a month not including tax title and license(roughly 9% of the total price). So for 449 you could lease the same car, drive it for 3 years and then make a

Yeah a straight lease on a 32k car(with a 62% residual) should be around 340 a month. Thats with 10k miles a year and over 3 years. Also they give up any chance at an equity position by loosing first right to buy at the end of the lease. Anyone who take this deal is a sucker.

You loose first right to buy the car out which means you loose any chance of equity(car worth more than the end of lease buyout). Also maintenance and road wear is covered under a lease. The only thing you gain here in insurance but thats dumb to bundle. I guarenfuckingtee you if you walked in to straight lease this

This is the same arguement as a lease vs buy though. In this equation you are screwed because you dont have first right of refusal to buy the car you’ve already invested in. Normal residual on most leases is about 60% this(by my match ditching insurance and 9% tax title and license) equals a residual of around 46%