
What makes you think I support lazy people at all regardless of skin color?

It’s not an invalid comparison. They all of these “non racist white people” chose to prove they are not racist is by electing a guy with deep ties to neo-Nazis.

Yeah, “real” issues like they are tired of their racist behavior being called racist.

Not shocking to the people who in states with voter restriction laws.

You will hear about the popular vote because it means the PEOPLE did not want Trump in office. Sorry that reality doesn’t match up to the story you are telling yourself.

A part of that charter deals with schools not giving athletes preferential treatment. Not reporting crimes is preferential treatment and definitely effects a player’s eligibility — i.e, they can’t play if they are in a cell awaiting trial or can’t leave the state because of the investigation.

Actually, you have more than 700 provisional ballots cast. But that doesn’t take in account of all the people that were purged from rolls because of silly challenges. This is what voter suppression is.

She didn’t get “killed”. She won the popular vote. Also, the same people who were claiming that elections were rigged need to shut the fuck up when people are actually taking their claims seriously.

The same ID that can buy alcohol and cash a check are not the same that are considered legal for voting. Step into reality, not the story you tell yourself in your head.

It wasn’t hype. It was based on what the developer was telling us.

That’s because Trump is a liar.

My point is that you don’t know what you are talking about. You talk about politics in simplistic terms because you have a simple minded understanding of it.

You have to stop giving the benefit of the doubt to the police. They lie. They collaborate with liars in other fields to make their case. They are not concerned with what actually happens, they are concerned about what they can make a jury believe.

When you understand that the police and prosecution are not there to deliver justice but to win court cases, this shit makes sense. Why not throw someone on the stand who has a history of lying but has a MD next to her name? It’s all about winning for these people — they don’t give a shit as to what actually happened.

Anyone that the police hire to “prove” their case is suspect.

Remember how medical experts hired by the police lie the next time there is a police shooting. What we have in this country is not a “justice” system — its a system so people in power can fuck over others.

You might as well join the Rethug party because you and them want to ignore the real issues of minorities so that you can suck off poor white people.

No, only CERTAIN IDs are accepted. For instance, if you use the ID that was given to you by the state run university, in some state, that is not acceptable. In some states, the ID given to you by the US military is not acceptable. And in some, your gun permit — sans picture — is enough to vote.

You don’t know what you are talking about. Every state with a red governor and a slight to large majority of republican state legislatures enacted voting restriction laws.

Which is ironic since towards the end of the primary, Sanders was making an open pitch for the superdelegates to override the popular vote in the primary to make him the candidate.