
I'm totally fine with Marvel not getting the F4 back, but I badly want them to get the rights to their villains. I need to see Iron Man get his ass kicked by Doctor Doom. Or the Avengers fend off Galactus.

I would watch the hell out of a supervillain hangout flick. Except I'd want it to be a team of them, like the Sinister Six or The Flash's Rogues.


I imagine after this success, DC will fast track Wonder Woman 2. We might get 3 female led DC films before CM, who they fucking delayed for another Spider-Man.

Dude can't help himself from posting his unneeded opinion. He is only a man.

Eh, the end fight has grown on me more each time I rewatched it. It's very much a violent debate, with the villain expositioning their view and Diana responding in turn.

The DCEU is too gritty and realistic still. :/ Maybe by the end of Justice League they'll start using the comic book names in universe.

Eh, maybe what happened with Wright caused the changes that enabled Thor & BP to be more out there.

Jesus, every screenshot in this review is amazing. Looking forward to this.

You forget it's TV?! So you think you have a magic portal into another place and time in the middle of your living room?

I'm gonna watch both. ;_;

I hope it all goes to the intern who was helping to take care of Chuck a while back.

Zeus is a lazy dude. Just C&P'ed humans and made some tweaks.

Chres is the plural, I think. Like crisis into crises.

Why would they? They're not humans.

Why's that adorable little bear so interested in Spider-Man?

My hope is that Apokalips did invade in the past, and the Amazons fought them off.

It's what they did with Green Lantern. Their Nick Fury-like there was Angela freakin' Basset playing Amanda Waller. I'll always hate that movie for wasting that casting.

That's the exception that proves the rule.

In this age of streaming services, is there an easy way to watch a bunch of those old Universal monster movies?