
I saw their list of demands and said “give it to them” then I read:

Hey guys, long time no see! I forget to post early on Saturdays so that’s why there haven’t been Catalina updates. So here’s one.

Actually being in a relationship but having my own place is my ideal!

I sit down in the shower, hot water just running over my head like rain.  I don’t know why, makes me feel pretty calm.

OK, the topic name for tonight is perfect. My mom showed up at 0ur house unannounced. She came in through the garage (which she has the code for). I have told her repeatedly that she needs to ring the doorbell and come in through the front door because the cat might be in the garage and we don’t want her to run off

I think I officially became the family pierogi lady. This week three different family members contacted me about pierogi making advice. I never would have predicted this as a child. I will give advice and fight you (and win) that my non traditional way to cook them is better. Anyone else have a family role thrust upon

I don’t have much experience, but - yes - that sounds Extremely Wierd

A few years ago when I started going back to school, I came on Jezebel and posted about it and some people were saying “Go you!” And praising me for being a woman seeking a degree in engineering (I didn’t even mention I was 40 at the time, so not just a woman, but a middle aged woman). And it was so fantastic to have

I read The Help and wanted to know more about the working women and their perspectives. The Help’s author referenced Telling Memories Among Southern Women by Susan Tucker, so I got a copy.

I was a really plain kid. Had no idea how to do make-up or dress well. My friends all understood that stuff better than I and had far better dating luck than I did. In high school almost all of them had boyfriends at one time or another but I did not. I had crushes. Intense soul-consuming crushes with boys who largely

I guess one of the worst ones might have been the time he decided he didn’t want to take soccer at the rec center. “No soccer! No ball! No coach!” he screamed as he disrobed, running to the play structure and squeaking down the slide on his bare butt. It was so bad, nobody would even stare.

Oh fuck, swim class tantrum was the absolute worst. 3.5 years old. Was goofing around with another kid and was asked to sit on the side. (With like a min or two left) Never had been given a time out by a teacher before. FUCKING LOST IT. I had to step into the water and pull her out. She wouldn’t get her shit together

When you’re an adult you get why kids losing it is funny, but man, that sense of not being taken seriously didn’t help calm my fury AT. ALL.

My sister once colored in my coloring book and colored Donald Duck’s eyebrows BLUE and everybody thought my rage was adorable, when IT WAS THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS IRE OF AN AVENGING ANGEL.

All tantrums accepted, Foxy!

Tell your boss that wrapping up your own duties is taking away time from proper training and this guy could benefit from [LARGE AND HUMORLESS MALE COLLEAGUE HERE] working with him?

Haha amazing! I would have died of embarrassment but can’t fault him, eggrolls are delicious.

My personal adult one, in the last decade, in my 40s, was at the Pop Century resort at Disney in Orlando. Travelocity had screwed up my reservation and none of my little fobs or keys or bracelets worked, ever. I was able to maintain and be nice to every single employee (pardon me, Cast Member) that I dealt with, but

Uh everytime we go to the grocery store? If I have to pick up a couple things for dinner I make it my mission to get to the grocery store before picking them up from school/daycare. If's a disaster. Every. Damn. Time. Things have been spilled all over the floor, kids running off down other aisles... And then

Our current reigning champion was over an eggroll. He both wanted it AND wanted me to die for the sin of offering it to him. He threw a plate at the Mama Buffet server and I cleaned the floor and gave her $20 (plus abject apologies). He rolled on the floor while screaming YES EGGROLL (it was in his hands). He had just