
@cyruss: Oh I agree with you. I don't really see the benifit of it either too. Sometimes, game sves have been made null and void from patches and that's not something that I wanna see happen to me. This COULD work I suppose if there was some way to approve the patch maybe before it installs in the background. As in,

@Hearts_Are_1: That's kinda the deal breaker for me too.

@Altima NEO: You obviously haven't got Little Big Planet in your collection then. I left that thing for 2 months. Came back and I had to wait almost an hour to get it to update, install the update, update some more, install the update some more etc etc. You get what I mean. Pain in the ass. By signing up to

@Kenny: Bought Bioshock 2 for €15 and Farenheit (Indigo Prophecy) and Cryostasis. Already owned the latter two but I thought it would be really handy to have them in Steam.

Bought Transformers last night off of Direct2Drive. Liking it. Played through two of the decepticons missions. Gonna try the autobot missions now.

@-MasterDex-: That's what piqued my interest too. Almost bought it on Direct2Drive a few mins ago. Ended up getting Transformers instead. (Downloading that now) With all the games I've bought/sure to be buying through Steam in the sales, I didn't really need to be buying more games. I'll probably buy Singularity in a

One step forward, two steps back?

@startrickpat: 5.1 headsets can't really compare to the full proper setup. No matter how much you spend on the headset.

@burninfidels: Even my 5.1 headphones weren't as good as having a proper 5.1 setup. Tried out both.

If you haven't played the first game with a surround sound 5.1/7.1 setup, you owe it to yourself to play though it again if you can with surround sound. The sound was phenomenal in the first, with people whispering in your ear and metal poles fallin on the ground behind you.

@Shinta: I'm in the process of bidding on ebay for it now. thanks for that. Already own the Windwaker one with OoT as well as master quest. Thank God I didn't go out and buy Majoras Mask there today.

@Shinta: Which gamecube disc? The WindWaker one? Does it come with OoT, and OoT(Master Quest)?

@Shinta: I almost bought the game about two hours ago on the Wii Virtual Console. Since it was an N64 game the only way to play it, unless you already own an N64 and the game is to buy it on the Virtual console for 1000 points which is about €10 or so. I think I might buy this very soon. Loved the game back in the

It should be pointed out, that you lose those games once you cancel your subscription. Not the free LBP, but the free PSN titles, free minis and PS1 classics.

It should be pointed out, that you lose those games once you cancel your subscription. Not the free LBP, but the free PSN titles, free minis and PS1 classics.

Miner:"Right boss. We're after finding this massive Quartz crystal down there in the mine. What do you think we should do with it??"

@MasterNihil: It just goes to show consolized the sequel is.

@FLD: I'm pretty sure, once you hide in the hidden closet and they come in the front door, Paul turns invincible. Just follow him down the stairs and he'll take care of most of them.

@Jun284: First one is right.