
@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Tretton has been top-notch delivering the Sony press conference at E3 these past years. Seems like one of the most down to earth CEOs in the business. So, I would definitely not be calling him lame. Except when he is in an add with Kevin Butler. Maybe

@PSWii2008: what do you need a PC for? The game isn't coming out on PC.

I looks rather cheap in white. But I suppose that is a pretty shitty picture. So ya can't really tell, yet.

Like Luke, I've never really sat down and written what the hell I want from a game, but then again, why the hell would I? I'd be pretty sad if I did do that now.

Congratulations my good man. All the best.

@Pillybaul: personally I use Firefox like Jekku said. But I suggest installing the "Adblock plus" addon to get rid of the intrusive and website slowing adds. Works wonders.

@Pray4Mojo: I think the main motives for them to do this is to get more people onto Steam. And get them on quick. What better way to get them there by offereing a free game. Once they have you on Steam, the have you for life!

@fELIXADER: Maybe I'm way off the mark here, but I think he was referring to Alan Wake as Luigi's Mansion. But I could be wrong.

Deus Ex: Invisible War. Currently in Ciaro and am enjoying it very much. Finished Deus Ex last week and really enjoyed it.

@yantelope: Also, have a look over in the Steam forums and see if someone has the same problem as you. Might be a fix for it over there.

@PS1: Bravo sir.

@Mozz-eyes: Get nominated in comment of the week. Or do make a really good comment that one of the editors sees and decides to star you for it.

@yantelope: Running it on Vista 64 myself. Have a few bugs there, but working none the less. Keeps minimizing to desktop for loading/gamesave loading and between levels and the occasional crash, but they happen when I go to load my game up. What's the error say? Have you tried disabling Vista Aero before you play it?

@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Hopefully, back to his roots, hiding in the shadows waiting to take a guy out with a tranq dart or ring air foil round.

After spending 40 something hours playing throug Deus Ex on PC, I still had an inkling for more Deus Ex. I decided to boot up Deus Ex: Invisible War. And it ain't that bad really. Definitely not as good as the first game but not the travesty the the die-hard Deus Ex fans made it out to be.

@Kimochi Sama: They managed to take a brilliant RPG the had depth and highly customizable and make it into a third person shooter. The only thing they improves from the first one was the shooting. Everything else seemed to be knocked down a few pegs or dropped completly. Shame. Although I did enjoy playing through

@R0bster: Em no. That's Pak Choi.