
@richarddrmc: I hate when people don't understand how a certain computer part/program works, and continue to do what ever they can to fix it.

@WhatTheFrag: You got a link for that playstation blog post?

@hot_heart: Looks like the same will be happening for GTA addon packs too. Stupid SCEE!!

@Blore07: Here you go. I sent this in AGES ago to tips@ and heard nothing about it. No folow on.

@ajnewman: It too had a couple of easter eggs in it. One of which was the Swan Hatch from Lost a sword from the Lich King and the Portal cake, among others.

@Rocci1212: prety cool. Messaged you back

@Archaotic: Yup. It appears that it happens automatically. Now, that's an even cooler easter egg, ontop of the Lost hatch being there too. In the video too, you can see a wreckage close to the beach too.

@Rocci1212: Care to elaborate? try not to spoil for those who haven't seen it though

@blackscot: I think it happens automatically. Not sure though.

Apparently, the plane automatically catches fire and blows up as you fly over this part. just sent this into tips@ about half an hour ago too.

@chickdigger802: not played it yet myself. I just finished my first playthrough yesterday too. Probably wont get around to it for a while.

For those of you who are concerned about the lag between actual motion and the viewed motion, you can see the difference between them in the second video when stephen videos from behind. The reflection can be seen in the TV.

@cyruss: Got it for the PC. Can't really say that the AI is 'terrible'. But it definitely isn't that great. Creatures in the game tend to just run at you while the NPC humans hang back.

@playstationpwns: Oh I will pick it up. No doubt about it. I just had to use my restraint not to buy it today, and allow myself the time to finish GoW:Collection.

@lance11con: I'm liking it so far. Very atmospheric. Running it on my PC. Not in DirectX11 but I can max it out otherwise. PhysX at it's highest too. Looks amazing. Shooting is not it's strongest point, but it's still pretty good all the same. I'll report back to you and let you know.

Bought myself Metro 2033 today. Tempted by God of War 3 though. Want to finish GoW:Collection first. For some reason I put it down a couple of months ago, and cant seem to pick ip back up. I tend to do that with games. Even though I loved playing it, I'll drop it for the 'new kid on the block'.

@ttocs: I remonds me so much of another PC game called Cryostasis. Liked that game too, similar atmosphere and mood

Just after installing Metro 2033 on my PC there.