Now playing

I bought this game for the PS3 on day one. And loved it, so much so, that I went and bought the Eidos Pack in the Steam Sales at christmas. It's even better on the PC. Have 2 Nvidia cards so I dedicated one to process the PhysX entirely and it's really really impressive. If you can, enable the PhysX.

@Samo: The bugs crippled that game. Terrible AI too.

@16BitHero: The reason your bro had more trouble with the 4890x2 was down to the fact that he was enabling a service that is owned by Nvidia and it only supported by Nvidia cards. ATI cards don't support it. So that's why they perform terribly when it's enabled.

I cant get it to work. When I go in to buy Peggle, the coupon is already in the basket, saying that I dont have to pay. It asks me for my address and it then says that the code is not valid for my order. Anyone esle having this problem too? Anyone solve it?

This got me thinking.

@Canofoo: Yeah, 3D Guru did a nice LONG look at the different brands of GTX 275 and they all turned out the same, pretty much. There was a few exceptions though, but the were pre OC'd. But I would have ended up paying more for that. And the difference was a few frames or two between the brands. Almost negligible

I'm just after splashing out on myself there and bought myself a new graphics card. Even though I don't have too much money to my name.

@Hey_Blinkon: Like many others round here, I can pirate. The easiest thing in the world to do. But I don't.

@jackal888: Personally, I'd do it, only because I didn't really take to MW1, did not like MW2 and LOVE Battlefield Bad Company 1. So many hours playing the online MP. Not got into the demo much for BF:BC2 yet. But I'm fairly sure that I'll be picking it up too.

Almost every business decision that is made to combat piracy, is made to the detriment of the legitimate customer.

@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: The instructions, introduction to the game as well as actually how to play it (leadership + objectives) are not laid out very well at all. It basically shows you how to move, shoot and sends you on your merry way. It's basically trial and error.

@Mrmirakle: God of War, Splinter Cell would be two good one to have a go at.

@Vamplosion: Well, if what Joystiq are reporting is true, then the Episodes from Liberty City, like DA:O Awakening will be released on one, or the other. Either PSN or retail stores. Seems like utter madness to me.

@Vamplosion: But is it being released on PSN too. That's where the problem lies with Dragon Age Awakening. They are releasing it on the PSN and on disc in the US, but SCEE have a policy of not allowing addon content to be released through both the PSN and retail stores.

This is not coming out in store here in the EU for the PS3.

@Loaf-Unhelpful_NPC: Will do. seems to make sense really. Does it matter if I use a clean sock, or a dirty one?