
@agreeable_panda: So, am I right in guessing, that you will not be looking to get it for PC?

Oh man, I went ballistic at my bro a while ago after he was strapped for cash, and decided to sell our (read: my) N64 with over 15 games and four controllers (three rumble paks) expansion pack too for €100

@ToastyUterus: I agree that it sounds as if would do better as a movie.

@I Think We're Property: I think that most people would be happy that it didn't stay true to the source material!

@Ash735: Fish out of water!!

I have gotta say, that Uncharted 2's trophies were perfect. I absolutely hate when a game forces you to play online for several hours just to get a trophy. I LOVE how Uncharted 2 allows the player to simply dabble in the multiplayer both regular and team deathmatch. And doesn't penalise the player by not forcing you

@agreeable_panda: True True. I suppose I should have presumed you knew that it was coming to PC. Oh well.

@TheHeeyyy: Is there even a special edition for the PC. I've only seen special editions for the Xbox360 version.

Any word on whether or not there will be a special edition for the PC?

@Brad McCourt: I'm in the same part as you. Done all the other missions and am in Orzomar looking to get the support of the Dwarves. The problem is, I just cant bring myself to go back to it. Even though I enjoyed the game while I waws playing it. Shame, but I will get back to it some day.

@Estel: We're not talking about the 'head-up', are we? We're talking about the store update going live.

@deanbmmv: Usually doesn't go live till about 6pm (GMT) or so +/- and hour. Way back, months ago, they used to do it at this time. Round about 2 pm (GMT) but they really have let it slip in recent months.

When Claire strolled up to the house of the person who was supposed to adopt her yet unborn child, I would have bet my first born that it was gonna be Ben. Man that would have been the trippiest thing to see of all the 'flash sideways' stuff!

@Cerabret100: I do agree with you on that. Should have fixed it.

@Cerabret100: The game plays fine with it off. No mouse lag, whatsoever. Of cousre it would be nice to be able to play it with V-sync on. They really should have patched it to fix it but they didn't bother. But the game plays grand with V-sync off.

@pluckylump: You sure you played it on PC? :/