How dare you minimize the profundity of Joanna’s spiritual journey through the harrowing streets of New York City! Every turn, every step, only deepens the allegory of our broken society as it manifests itself in this brave woman’s heart.
How dare you minimize the profundity of Joanna’s spiritual journey through the harrowing streets of New York City! Every turn, every step, only deepens the allegory of our broken society as it manifests itself in this brave woman’s heart.
Yeah I get that. I can see feeling like it’s kind of vacuous — it is a comedically exaggerated version of those thinkpieces, but all it really does is make fun of them. It almost underplays the actual problems with the type of person it parodies.
Any fifth-grader with an IQ higher than Trump’s (i.e., all of them) could figure out that this wasn’t serious. Even if they’d never been here. You’re being completely absurd.
Actually, this might be the most unreadable piece of shit yet committed to the internet.
Came for both the hilarious comments in response and the comments from people who totally didn’t get this and I am NOT disappointed!
It’s a joke.
I’m sorry but THIS IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE and we should burn this site and ALL THE EDITORS to the ground because this is a serious feministic organization and we must endorse the true struggle. Like, I saw a woman earlier today who was sweating outside. Outside. There was sweat. All over her brow. It was hot, sure, but …
This is brilliant and amazing. You keep outdoing yourself with your introspective masterpieces, I think this is the best one yet!