Yeah at 35k for a Lyric I think I’d be in. All the way.
Yeah at 35k for a Lyric I think I’d be in. All the way.
I’m in San Diego. For every 1 bike I see splitting lanes with that 5-10mph differential, I see 10 that are on their way to donating organs.
It won’t last 5 miles down the road for me. Here’s why:
You forgot it also fondles your balls and tickles your asshole while you drive
As @krhodes1 alluded, this was not a “violent” act. It was a whale chasing a school of prey and the boat happened to be where the animal breached. This is normal feeding behavior, no malevolence involved. Obviously, others knew whales were feeding in the area, and the crew of the capsized boat should have taken more…
I count 49 and a half
Sort of. It’s more trouble than it’s worth for an insurance company to repair it at a shop to 100% condition. There are times when a totaled vehicle is worth bringing back on the road:
The stars at night, are big and bright,
Subway Juice is the only thing that Chuck Norris fears.
I mean, of course it went for crazy money. It’s got to be the only Camry left with an un-dented bumper. That’s basically unobtanium.
Listen, I think the culture of leather equipped luxury pickups is stupid, too, but that’s neither here no there. These HOA’s are just inane and enforcing bylaws that keep people from parking a personal vehicle in their own driveways is just obscene.
Here I sit, broken hearted
Not every state has citizens willing to voluntarily pay a dumbass tax.
Don’t they have containment bags specifically for this reason?
Despite being told specifically not to, passengers were taking their belongings with them as they tried to exit the aircraft.
New item on the ADMU label next to $899 window etching
You know what? Good for her.
It means nothing, in this case, of course - it’s just like ‘Communist’ was under McCarthy, a tool for discrediting your enemies with no real substance or chance of being disproved. It sounds much more like someone has been put in place to remind blue-collar workers that they don’t *get* to have a political voice of…