
Looks like a nice ride, but an almost 30 year old car, 219k miles...too much. ND. Like the rims/ride height. 

buried cable. Doesn’t destroy the scenery, no poles needed. Would they need to be buried below the frost line tho? 

I like the blue. Nothing wrong with it. 

Looks good, nice fun driver. No hot rod-V8, 4 doors more....people. NP. 

Had a buddy lose his F-150 in the mississippi river launching his boat. Buddy who was in the boat forgot to unhook it from the trailer. He jumped out, (manual trans) with only the parking brake, and watched it slide on by as he went to get back in. Bottom of the steering wheel was touching the water. I wished I could

They’ll just move to the interstate. Do burnouts there. 

Uncle that lived in Minnesota was getting calls all the time to pull out boats because the owners vehicles didn’t have enough traction to pull them out. 

My garbage & recycling guys must have it out for each other. At times there are two in the garbage truck, maybe learning the route or whatever, and he will jump out and out the garbage on the recycling can. So solo guy has to get out, remove said can, and continue on 5 feet to the next.

wow. Just wow. bet that did a LOT of damage. 

Needs to be a couple of grand cheaper. 

Not at 15k. 10-12k maybe. Pontiac looked nicer. 

I remember reading about this decades ago, David vs Goliath  deal. Mr. Nissan would not sell, as that was his name. NUSA didn’t care, they were going with copywrite infringement That would be as bad as copywriting the name Kylie in Australia... oh wait. I did not hear of his passing, but it is still too bad that his

How about rattle can “NOT A COP” on it somewhere. 

Had the 2000 version of this 3 door, SC2. Put 80k miles on it after buying it used, with 20k on it. It cost me, other than needing new tires, a whopping $1.87 in repairs in those miles. And that was because when the new tires were put on, the lug nut was cross threaded. No oil consumption, no weird noises, nothing but

You are all lucky. I usually get stuck behind something as large as a house, that is usually green & yellow, sometimes red, rarely blue or orange. On a two lane road. Max speed is about 25 mph. Can’t see around it, under it, over it, and about the same time you can weave to see is when there is either oncoming

And another good reason for conceal/carry. Can’t do much if you have a hole in you. Personal defense. No aggression, so put those flame shooters away.

Fault the government for something insurance should not have the power to do so. Some lobbyist somewhere made a payment to some charity so the government made the law. Blame the insurance company that did that. And the lobbyist. And probably the people that introduced the bill. 

Was driving a ‘72 LeMans Sport 

‘Tis better to keep your mouth shut than to open it and remove all doubt. Pretty hard to run something that needs oxygen when there is no oxygen available.

Friend moved to Washington (state) with her Kia. Cannot even get it insured in the state. Had to trade it in.