
I too drove one. had the 250 CID V6, which wasn’t able to get the car past 80 MPH. Used, it was a rusty trusty first car that lasted with me at the wheel almost a year before it hit the bumper of a Chevy citation. It had the crotch coolers, wing windows, power steering, automatic 3 speed. That was it for options.

If this is for customized vehicles, I’ve got one. Driving down I80 between Iowa City & Davenport IA, guy had modded his full size van. At least, I think it was a van. He had cut the top off at the window line, all the way around. Rear doors, everything. It would also seem he took that same metal, cut it some more,

I bet some of those cyclists had those same goals. 

Or Soul Glow. 

Join the Telluride groups on facebook. While there are several shady dealerships out there, there are also good ones. Some are charging over MSRP, and some are at MSRP. Not a lot of negotiation going on. I did wait for 6 months. I’ve had two. First one I found on a lot, and second one I ordered what I wanted. 

to add on regarding the fuel usage, I’m in my second Telluride. The first 5k miles or so, I averaged around 24 doing a mix driving. on the interstate, running...faster than I should probably netted me 26 MPG. On a two lane road at the speed limit pushed it up closer to 28. I’ve never seen below 22m but again, not much

where is Kanye West when you need him?

If you lived in town, and only did in town driving, no problem. I do some country driving, so, this would no go for me. Still, decent price. 

I got C19 from work. Workman’s Compensation covered my medical bills & time off. 

Nice car, lot of work seems to be done right, but the price is just too much for a rebuilt everything. 

as for the new car hauler...could you imagine being an exotic car transport (reliable)? Hauling multi-million dollar cars? 

I did that with my first the trunk. Rust holes allowed it to drain.

my 1975 Maverick had those. Worked OK until the gravel roads....

Old cars had style, character. You could tell the years apart the makes, the models, the same cars that were raced were available at the dealership to be driven. Don’t want AC? No problem, we will order it that way. Don’t want that sound deading, or a heater? OK. That’s how there were one-of-one cars. Today they are

Nice car, collector edition miles, but just priced out of the ballpark. ND

Is all the work ever done on a BMW of this age? ND.

too many deutschemarks are needed to get in this.

So I recently went to the Minnesota State Fair. A fun time was had. I had to get through metal detectors to get in. I’m OK with that. The first night we left about 8:30. There were county officers flying around because there were a bunch of black kids trying to get in by jumping over the fence with barbed wire across

The dogs got a hit, which is probable cause.

Dig enough into anyone’s past, and there will be a comment or two that someone incorrectly heard, wrote, typed, emailed, tweeted, facebooked, that someone else doesn’t like. It’s in the past. oops. Move on. Now where is that dead horse that needs to be beat on?