Chitterling Lover

When are we gonna call out folks who feelings shame others?

I thought this was some subliminal White Power signal. I also heard Alex Jones had migrated over to Myspace.

Wow. That’s a bad take. To excuse abusing officials because of some prior abuse, physical or not.

Curious how many people donate $1200/yr to charity. 

Are you referring to Clarence Thomas, current Supreme Court justice?

Go Blue!

Ironic that this occurred the same weekend Cardi B was hurling shoes at Nicki Minaj over a perceived slight of her daughter. So the lesson here is when you hear someone invoking their daughters, some bullshit is quick to follow.

The Arrested Development analog:

I know, right. Behavior that’s unacceptable from 99.999% of the population, gets a “ Oh my. Isn’t Cardi so cute.” response when she does the same bs.

I give props to the shoe thrower, and to GWB for bullet time ducking the shoes twice.

Race to the bottom. Everyone should take a pay cut except oneself. 

I literally just did a Google search for Dennis Dodd dumbass, and seems like he had beef with Aaron Rodgers for not answering his questions following a basketball game.

Anyone else troubled by how that is worded. Like somehow, I or others haven’t worked hard to purchase our houses. Seriously, I see housing going up all the time in the markets I live and travel to and I know of many motivated builders, real estate agents, mortgage agents and etc. looking to move properties so trying

Exactly. We have to take things in context. The sentiment behind the post was friendly. She ended it with -a and not -er. We need to come up with a rulebook for this kinda thing.

What? No Soup Nazi memes. Mo’ Soup for you. I’m deeply disappointed right now.

Wanna know whats sad?