It’s not an accident that they’re ranked 13th in the world by FIFA.
Paging Mr. Tracy.... Mr. David Tracy...
Pre-rubber bumper MGB, Zetec/T5 conversion.
It’s like some out-of-the-way Greek island that nobody has ever heard of, and then Rick Steves goes there, and three months later every American with a fanny pack shows up, trying to figure out why the restaurants won’t accept U.S. dollars.
disclosure of the bid value would give away too much data to constituents about the plane’s impact on tax dollars
Never heel-toed in my life, I always thought toe on the gas, heel on the brake was how it was done. Though, my foot doesn’t bend the other way either (in fact, I walk with my toes outward, probably because I’m flat-footed) so I’d probably do it the “wrong” way myself.
Yul Brynner always gets a star.
So, who will the token NCAA player be? Arcidiacono? Simmons?
If this happens, can we PLEASE get it without the dang music? Especially the WUB WUB WUB stuff. Oh, and get off my lawn.
I’ve said this before, but at the risk of sounding hipster, don’t go to a chain jewelry store. Most of the time, the people there are just warm bodies they hired, same as any other retail establishment. Go to a local place, and shop around. When I bought my wife’s engagement ring, I took her with me and the jeweler…
Not to mention every single “YES!” was after something the Warriors did. Every. Single. One.
I hate myself for posting this, but here goes:
The Thunder did a few things right last night, but in the wrong way. Case in point: their ball movement in Games 5 & 6 was seriously lacking, so they brought that back. However, they were so committed to the ball movement that they had Roberson pass up completely wide-open looks at the three-point line in favor of…