Kyle Critchnau

Haven’t seen the movie, so I wouldn’t know. Agreed on the ballistic missile piece of things. I also agree with those that say this was probably a regular fission bomb passed off to party leadership as an H-bomb to protect their own safety and that of their families.

I agree, but even if they put one together and it fizzled, they’d still have enough data to learn from and make the next one better. Unlikely, improbable, yes; impossible, no.

Here’s a question: could it have fizzled? I remember in The Sum of All Fears (the book, not the movie) they (SPOILER ALERT) build an H-bomb that fizzles. The first stage (i.e. fission) goes off and still does quite a bit of damage, but the fusion part never quite takes. I know the most likely explanation is that

Well that explains it. The ones I’ve looked at are earlier, like 1954-56. Thanks for clearing that up!

When did the Ranch Wagon have four doors?

He bought a Camry. You heard it here first, folks.

I prefer #BandofBubbas myself.

And here I thought the Eagles were the ones trying to play moneyball.

I was raised as an OSU fan, and my wife’s family is from the KC area, but we were both rooting for OU in this game. Hield, Spangler, and Woodard are all sorts of fun to watch, and what Kruger has done with the OU program is great to see.

Volkswagen didn’t own Auto Union/DKW until 1964, and Studebaker had the distribution rights for Mercedes, DKW, and Auto Union beginning in the mid-50’s, so we still would have gotten this, just from a different place than we would now.

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned yet is the fact that GM cars now have Wi-Fi. Never had to get a Lyft or an Uber before, but for the people that do that might be a perk.

Step 1: Create app

Best: Chevy Impala. Had an LS as a loaner, made me curious so I test drove a couple of LTZs. Going to be my next car.

The measures include a car-buying programme that offers discounts to people trading in their old vehicles, a scheme for scrapping cars and subsidies for car loans and leasing.

Do you wear a Yankees cap sideways, or backwards? Does the word “bro” make up half or more of your conversation? THEN WE HAVE THE CAR FOR YOU! JDM! ROLLCAGE! WRX! PORSCHE! BODYKIT! RIMZ! STANCE! Everything you need to be the bro-iest bro you can be!

Or Miatas?!

It almost looks like he was going for a DIY Group C look, and fell a couple of parsecs short.

I’m not sure a crossover is the right move for Buick. Yes, they sell like hotcakes over here, but let’s not forget that Buick basically only still exists for the Chinese market, where large sedans are a much bigger deal than they are here. So, while I’m not ruling out the possibility of a new Enclave being introduced

Ughhh Berry Tramel is the worst.