
That’s crazy Disney did this when you consider Disney fans are baby brained dumbasses. Won’t seeing a woman’s butt make the average Disney fan masturbate until they kill themself? I think Disney needs to take the butt out of this movie right now or at the very least put up a big warning so the caretakers of Disney

Me parece que ya que no puede reformar a Twitter a su gusto, el objetivo es destruirla...ya como ultima recurso.

Sólo vine a leer los comentarios de los ElonBros...

Gente que se cree artista y los que critican se creen más. Me refiero a Mobarak y los que comentan lo “sobrevalorada” que fue Frida y no pueden ni pintar un sol

Nos puedes indicar tus estudios sobre arte y curado de obras? Tienes en tu repertorio, obras que van por los millones de dólares?

Is this man not responsible for multiple deaths due to a riot he instigated?

Solo con ver la profundidad de la piscina te das cuenta que no te va amortiguar el golpe.

Things that haven’t hurt Dr. Oz are:

She was married to a man? Good lord. Well, I hope everyone gives her the same respect and privacy that she gave the Parkland victims.

didn’t she cheat on him with several men from her gym?

I wouldn’t be afraid to take a gander and say she’s a difficult person to be wed to. Though, who knows, Perry might be just as difficult. We don’t know much about him or his politics, other than the fact that he was okay with being married to MTG for 27 years.

mArRiAgE iS a SAcReD iNsTitUTioN 🤪🤡

Hypocrites gonna be hypocritical , xtian magical sanctity of marriage and family unit values what?

Oh muchas gracias capitán Obvio 😒...

LeVar is awesome and has been for a long time.

Who could have guessed THAT guy was a douchebag?

I mean other than his look, “music”, vibe, when he speaks, how he conducts himself in public, etc. What were the signs?!

We have ourselves to blame for situations like this. We spent years pretending China was anything other than an authoritarian regime that brutally cracks down on dissent and commits genocide against its own people because for years it was super easy to go there and make shit tons of money. Companies from around the

Para absurdo, el metaverso, en sí mismo...