
That gifs hilarious.

"Is there some form of media where having a large audience isn't a goal?"

Right... cause that's exactly what you were thinking when typing in that headline, this will surely get a laugh! C'mon now, we're not fools.


Totilo, you are going to perhaps cornfield me for this... but you might want to be less blatantly obvious with the click grabbing headline.

Congrats on the star, I think they're taking them away soon though.

SICK. Heard some assholes were trying to sell advanced tickets to this for a $100.

Now playing

This dude should get some props. Best quality BF3 videos I've seen with some funny commentary. His weapon guides are outstanding.

I did.

Went to a game in Chicago.

I certainly don't think Sony is sad about it.

If the multiplayer isn't a watered down version of the console game, this could be the reason why you get a Vita.

This is the machine of death. It is super low impact but kicks your ass. Try it for a half an hour on a medium level and you will create a swimming pool of sweat underneath you.

Fahey, get your fat ass off the couch!

Damn good question.

CoD Elite is a yearly fee of $50 and it will expand into future CoD releases (Blops 2). I can almost guarantee that EA is going to pull the same trick and say "hey" renew your Premium and you get all of the MoH DLC now!

Well, the content is certainly there for BF3 but its also there for CoD. MW3 is getting the most DLC in the history of CoD... Yet all hate still points at Acty.

What an insightful reply.

So EA / DICE created Battlefield 3 Premium.

Double post, sorry bout that.