I certainly don't. Haven't since CoD4.
I certainly don't. Haven't since CoD4.
..... and no one cares about the single player... Why show it?
Believe me, I've tried! :)
Tis true.... but using a console controller while playing a game online puts you at a major disadvantage.
Next console generation should work just fine!
If only this released for consoles! Don't hate PC'ers just want to join in on the fun.
I head to the bathroom on the second floor in a vacant part of my building here.
It would be nice if Sportaku would get a little more then just two articles... It seems to me like sports video games don't have as big of a following as they once use to.
I've been asking that question for a while now.
Has this been confirmed?
BUMMER! Missed that article apparently.
BFBC3 would be outstanding as well.
My thoughts EXACTLY.
My vote is for Battlefield 4!
.... and you know this for sure? Source?
Here's to hoping that we get to see or at least see the specs on the xbox 720.
Get a new xbox with an HDMI out! You will still have the power supply problem but it will be super easy to hookup.
Think Guitar Hero when it was sliding, they released a bunch of Guitar Hero: "insert band name here" type of games. Far fetched but it applies.