If by smart you mean cater to that niche of the market, ok. But its not going to help you sell as many copies as possible, why focus on a niche market when you can go after the general market.
If by smart you mean cater to that niche of the market, ok. But its not going to help you sell as many copies as possible, why focus on a niche market when you can go after the general market.
Game developers work for game publishers. Believe me, game publishers goals are to make the most $ possible. Its the American way my friend.
That's nice.... Considering you're trying to troll my thread. A troll trying to call out others for being trolls. Well done. Perhaps, you know, instead of crying troll, you could actually add to the conversation?
And you are in the minority. That's all my point is.
I'm not saying to make it into CoD... That's not my point. My point is that their needs to be a competitive MP aspect to any new shooter that comes out these days or else its not going to have a long shelf life in stores.
Nope, troll free zone.
If they never tried to compete with CoD then they're doing it wrong. Why wouldn't you try to compete with CoD, its the best selling video game of all time.
My point is that games, especially FPS need to focus on MP first and not SP. Sure, there are those folks like yourself who love SP but the majority migrate towards MP and a games longevity and sales are direct impacts of having a robust MP now.
That's great and all but you're in the minority. If you don't have competitive MP and are a FPS, you're going to fall short in terms of sales. The numbers don't lie.
Wait a second.
I hate you.
I find it hilarious that you're basically a glorified IT help desk guy and you go on such a rant. Get over yourself, you're no better then the next guy who doesn't know how to run a virus scan.
Sure they are but to say she's unattractive is silly. I understand different cultures have different tastes but in the words of Chris Carter: c'mon man! She's drop dead hot
I think the sports genre has lost its luster of the years due to games like Madden where its the same shit over and over again year after year, here's hoping to something fresh in this years iteration.
Most people on Kotaku are more nerdy then your typical "only play sports games" jocks. That explains why there are less comments.
Haha, this made me laugh.
First: Kate Upton is smokin hot. 19 years old, whatever is in milk these days is spectacular.
(I think you need to get your eyes checked)
Why you no ADS?