
What would you pick it up for? PC or console? If console, its a great change of pace from games like Battlefield 3. Believe it or not but this game has A TON more action then Battlefield 3 does. 12 v 12 on consoles just doesn't cut it for a game that was made for PC. I find matches boring as could be on bf3.

If you like TF2 and you enjoy the unlock system of CoD, you'll really enjoy this.

Surprise of the year for me for sure. REALLY addictive.

Been playing Gotham City Impostors the last few nights. Its a blast. Its nice and refreshing that a shooter doesn't take itself too seriously.

Since when does McD's ask you if you want something else? Is this some high class McD's? You know the one's where they try to make the inside look really classy but in the end, its still shitty McD's food?

Coming from a jew. Priceless.

The balance seems really good actually. For every gadget, there is a counter gadget / move. I was watching some developer videos where they mentioned they really emphasised the gadget balancing.

The Beta was an absolute blast. For $15 you really can't go wrong.

Have Gotham City Impostors cue'd up on my 360 waiting to download when I get home.

Can't wait for the console version to release tomorrow! Beta was a blast.

Its just that. I don't mind paying for new maps but as soon as you are offering people new maps earlier then everyone else, it becomes a distinct advantage. So when they release DLC that includes those maps to everyone else, those elite members are going to have a clear advantage.

Certainly check out GCI.

Gotham City Impostors out today for PC and out tomorrow for XBL and PSN.

Sure, Brink was more geared towards teamwork...

Did you edit that intro yourself? Bad ass.

Brink trumps CoD4?

(parentheses are my friend)

You should get more as a new member, go through the "Discover" tab and make sure you click the links for some more points.

SWEEET! What are you spending them on?

Fuck google.