Game is fun as hell. Enjoy. :)
Game is fun as hell. Enjoy. :)
What do you do?
Dude! You're a better game commenter then 90% of the US people. Keep up the good work.
Its certainly not CoD. It just has the same leveling system / progression system. Check out the vid.
DON'T. I'm telling you, if you're an FPS fan, you'll enjoy the hell out of it. Gameplay is familiar and really top notch.
Incredible. This is a full blown title too.
So I played Gotham City Impostors Beta all weekend on my XBox.
The problem is though most gamers (not all) are swayed towards either the 3rd person style or the first person style... They either love GoW or they love CoD.
Is it me or does Ghost Recon look like a modern war Gears of War game? Everything from sprinting to cover and the firing system looks really similar.
Gotham City Imposters Beta started yesterday.
Just a warning:
This series has kind of gone a little stale the past couple of years. MLB 10 was really the same damn game that MLB 11 was. Here's hoping they bring in something game changing in 12.
You must be tired of Battlefield 3? In MW3 people drop like flies. It seems you have more health in BF3 so you can survive.
Respawn. Looking forward to what they are going to bring to the FPS table. If its as innovative as MW1 felt years ago, then it should be special.
Don't mind me just promoting. Bring this to us!
Who cares, she's smokin hot!
Well, the gameplay and the fact that it was one of the first MODERN fps war games out there was pretty stunning.
If it is even remotely close to the awesomeness of MW1 when it first released, we should all be in for a good ride.
Hell to the ya, that game was bad ass back in its day.
So the new company respawn: []