

Consequences of ALWAYS talking about your kids at work women.  

So brave. I award you 3 Progressive Points. 

Same can be said about some of the residents of Chicago too.

Your white guilt must be so unbearable. So as a white person you feel guilt for the actions of people you do not know or do not associate with? Got it, you're mentally unstable.

Have you seen trans people? Generally it is very easy to determine their actual sex, but they do have plenty of experience in dress up so yeah maybe they can be decent actors.

Good. Acceptance based on merit. Maybe my kin won’t get discriminated despite being a minority in this great country. 

Oh bless you for defending the righteous! Its a twitter argument you’re not a martyr.

People aren’t required to “understand” thanks for the lecture fascist.

So glad you are brave enough to defend women! If I didn’t identify as a toaster oven i’d donk you.

Oh look women are complaining again. 

Well do you blame them they live in sh!thole countries

Develop societies where others want to go.    

Is this in combo w/ the anti-plastic straw march too? Or was that last week? So many protests/marches recently its become the new progressive badge.  Too bad 15min after these protests/marches its on to the next great tantrum!

Just use your black privilege athlete card, it worked for Winston. 


EXTREMELY subjective. But I’ll give you 3 Progressive points and a pat on the head soyboy. 

Anyone that does not support this law is racist.  “POC” are often victims of theses crimes but the White Saviors have decided these “POC” aren’t worth saving.  Selective racism. 

but the idea that Baylor would throw black football players to the wolves to protect the greater university is not that hard to believe.” Hmmm...of course we can’t put blame on the “POC” involved it’s those evil white people in administration!  

Is the show about actually finding a funny female comedian or is it to prop up female “comedians”