She is the kind of engineer we need more of in the industry! innovative, smart, confident.
She is the kind of engineer we need more of in the industry! innovative, smart, confident.
FYI if you use the Queens Gallon it is ~25% larger than freedom Gallons
For the first 10,000 miles on my MY16 I have averaged 22MPG as a DD running Regular and ~200 miles to a tank (24 on the cluster, but I have recorded every gallon of gas I have purchased). I admit that I drive the car like I mean it, but why would you drive it any other way. there was nothing wrong with yours this car…
“after the usage of highly gendered language and all”
70 at least from GR north until it becomes a highway
“I Can’t Drive 55"
So when exactly are they going to raise the limit? Will I still have to abide by the “79 you’re fine” rule or will it become the “84 but nothing more” rule?
incorrect how is a person in the circle supposed to know where you entered? enter without signaling (everyone MUST go right anyway) and signal with RH signal to indicate exit from circle.
Every Region has different requirements based on environment. they may look the same but Each state has differing requirements based on conditions. for example a bus in the mountains of Colorado. would require automatic chains, while a bus in central Florida may require air-conditioning.
Why do so many of the writers on Jalopnik 1 tell us to “NEVER BUY A WARRANTY” such as yesterday
Prefer not, there are easier ways that don’t involve endangering millions of people and an entire Industry. or maybe you are just a sadistic fool.
HAVs just made roadside robbery easier, a criminal now just has to stand in front of the car, (or disable its sensors like throwing a bucket of white paint on the lidar/cameras), wait for the car to stop and rob the passengers. Without controls the passengers are just sitting ducks. you can’t use your car as defense,…
Neutral: Will Anyone Buy A Chevy Bolt?
Ford makes an announcement about an autonomous fleet and nobody Bats an eye, Jalopnik Gives them 6 pathetic Lines of Text, almost none of it about what was announced.
They are probably tracking the same people who haven’t changes their oil Since Reagan was President and can not figure out why every car they buy stops working (or catches fire) within a year or two of buying it... the investigators should have a stack of pamphlets on the necessity of fixing your car to hand out while…
It sounds as if the trucks you look at are Engine Deficient, you need a bigger engine if only 70% of under-hood is space taken by the engine &components
I am glad I am not the only one who noticed the ca. 1980's Van driving around