My sister, another Michigan resident, voted third party, despite loathing Trump with every fiber of her being. The temptation to smack her gets overwhelming sometimes...
My sister, another Michigan resident, voted third party, despite loathing Trump with every fiber of her being. The temptation to smack her gets overwhelming sometimes...
Severe injury can cause mental slides with Alzheimer’s. I noticed that my maternal grandma was having problems as soon as I moved home after five years away, but it got much, much worse after her lag was mangled in a pit bull attack (one er nurse told me that ‘her foot was facing the wrong way’ i did not need to know…
And now I’m just gonna throw up. Those poor kids.
I regret that I have but one star to give!
She only got a mention in The Doctor’s Wife, but The Corsair had at least one female regeneration. I would love, love, love to see her onscreen.
What the actual fuck is going on with his cheekbones in that last pic? It’s mildly disturbing...
My parents never let us pick the radio station until we could drive, so we listened to a lot of oldies - and picked up a lot of trivia along the way!
This made me do a hand-flailing happy dance at my desk.
I know that CCR did it first (and their version isn’t terrible), and many have imitated her, but Tina’s version will always be the best.
Every time I think I’ve heard/read the stupidest thing ever, I read those. And the bottom of the barrel get deeper...
Star for a fellow Michigan Public Radio listener!
I thought the Southern Baptists were already boycotting Disney because of Gay Days at the parks?
I’d honestly forgotten his B5 episode, it’s one of my favorites. And The Doctors Wife killed me - I watched it the same day that my grandma was admitted to hospice care. The big, complicated, sad word Idris found... I cried. A lot.
I loved the way Mr World was introduced - he was legit terrifying. And Gillian Anderson as Media is fucking amazing. The way the adaptation detours from the book but keeps it’s spirit is just beautiful to watch.
And now I need to pet my cats and watch The Great British Bake Off. This bullshit is unacceptable, and the psychiatrist who had her sectioned should be stripped of their license and brought up on charges.
I spent the whole trailer wondering why I recognized the music. Kinda distracting.
Jesus H Christ, that is beautiful. I wish my dad were alive to see it.
My mom was right about Nixon resigning (within a week) and she’s now sure Trump won’t last more than two months. She points to the fact that Trump met with Kissinger right after the Russians, and Kissinger was pretty much the one who negotiated Nixons resignation and subsequent pardon. I’m not sure I buy it, but…
It looks like it might be cotton candy flavored. I was very dissapoint to read ‘sour mango,’ that probably tastes like death.
I made a puzzle feeder for our cats. I demonstrated, pushing it around until a treat came out, then waited for them to start playing. Instead, they stared at me, then at the toy, clearly expecting me to make the treats appear again. When I refused, they got bored and wandered off. YMMV, though, our cats are assholes.