
The point, which I fundamentally disagree with BTW, is that corporate leaders are people too, and that federal agency decisions should be made considering the good of everyone. I'd say "listen to the consumers first", but I'm Canadian so what do I know.

@Slinkytech: You just found the gap that cable companies are gonna abuse.

@lewis82: The way I read it, this speech means that things are NOT going to go this way. ISPs won't be able to charge extra for specific types of content, nor block them altogether (as long as they're legal). The only way they will be allowed to charge more is on a per-gigabyte-downloaded basis, which to me, as long

@crikerat: Please leave facts and common sense at the door.

@CaptainJack: What about cooler binders? People will always find ways to be cooler than their neighbor.

@violetblues: When the high-profile sites will be shut down, a myriad of smaller ones will pop up.

@Chernobyl: I won't tell you where my peak is.

@Dabamasha: That guy looks like he's surfing on his cou... HAH!

@Fossa: Hang a shirt on the knob, problem solved. If you feel the need to do that though, I don't think you're part of their target market.

@WizardsPajamas: Shit. I clicked the link just to make a similar joke. I'm now closing the tab without even reading the article.

Don't worry. It's been scientifically proven that absolutely nothing inside a bullet can be turned into an IED.

"none primarily featuring or relating to motoring or to cars"?

@lankysob: It's up to you if you want to sling a hard-on. I won't let you near mine though.

@I_Like_TDs: In alphabetical order or by categories?

@Bucky Rodgers (4:19 . . . close enough): Actual threats are stopped by tip-offs to intelligence agencies, as they always did. Having these scans serves to make the people feel that the government is doing something because intelligence agencies rarely share their intelligence.

@Hickeroar: What's sad in your reasoning is that nothing happens until "airlines will push back so hard on the TSA that changes will have to be made". It's the people who own the government, it's the people who are frustrated, but it's Big Corp who has the power to step in and change things. All we can do is hope they

@Decad3nce: Your point would be valid if the only choice offered at elections wasn't always between a douche and a turd.

@Hiphopopotamus: Isn't that the point though? If armed fighters of all kinds are able to take away our freedom, isn't martial might the only way to prevent them from doing it?