
@triangleman: But motor vehicle accidents aren't caused by a small subset of the people of oil-rich countries! This won't work!

@bender123: It's not just about college education. The monetary system rules all, and it's now obviously broken. Students are the ones who are going to get into "the system" soon, and they refuse to let it be the way it is. Add to that politicians who don't give two shits about them, and you get riots. It's sad that

@OMEGAMAN: LOL @ the "trusting the government" part.

@kyre: I see. Good idea, I'd do the same thing. That way at least your pictures aren't in a database somewhere.

@kyre: How exactly do you plan to opt out? Show up at the scanners then suddenly decide to get your ticket reimbursed?

@streeeeetch: If you squint at your smartphone you're not using the zoom and android's text wrap-around feature to its full extent. I read on my milestone all the time, sure I'd like more screen real estate, but squinting is not a problem; I zoom in so each word is bigger than it would be in a paperback. With the

Hotpot? So you can find weed more easily now?

@Drummertist v.3: You'll have to wait till Google sends another car to his street.

@Slinkytech: Sorry to point this out, but the moon isn't a planet.

I just had a glimpse of future movie directors who could modify camera angles on the fly in post-prod.

@Slinkytech: Indeed. This is singlehandedly more impressive than the whole launch lineup.

@Rack0: You can bet that Microsoft already has code that does what this guy does, only better, but yeah I get your point. What we're going to see from now on is going to defy even our imagination.

@Daniel Jamal Finlay: Oh god the shot where someone kicked my friend in the face and broke his nose while playing soccer would be priceless with this.

@Netscott: What's next? People using wikipedia to plan military operations?

This story reminds me of the final episode of season 3 of metalocalypse... corporate interests causing a political incident by mistake. Google should make a huge holographic keynote that spans the 2 countries to make up for it.

@rakrakrakrak: This single comment gets you a heart-click. I don't get it; the old controllers were just made for my hands. I'd grab one and it would instantly sink comfortably in the palm of my hand.

Why didn't you just... I don't know, give him the finger? "We started encoding and uploading immediately" is an incredibly tame answer to someone who just dragged you in the mud. It just encourages them to do it again; after all, it worked.

@AmphetamineCrown: Heh, I didn't even think the system could easily be made to tell you what the actual gift was. That would solve the problem quick.