
@MazdaMania: Dude I have the Moto Milestone and I love it. Got it from telus, using it on rogers, works perfectly. I'm saying this because your old G1 has a hardware keyboard, maybe you're gonna miss it.

Mmhh... you know, with Android, if you don't like a device, you get a different one.

Oh, for the record's sake, my Motorola Milestone too loses signal when I cover a certain part (the back part with the "with google" logo on it), but that's the part that generates the most heat too, so I don't usually touch it. Still, I enjoy the phone in it's many other aspects, so I guess it's just a matter that

@donlphi: Hah. Now I wonder, did the sarcasm go over your head, or was he serious?

Sooo..... Apple's fans are starting to emulate their model company, what with the lawsuits and all.

Am I the only one who finds it reallllly funny that one of the 5 important points that Jobs made a big fuss about during his keynote turns out to be kind of wrong ("kind of" because it looks like it's still the best cellular reception an iPhone ever had) and cause mayhem?

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: Let him out!

@ddhboy: The fact is that a full-fledged smartphone does most of what a kin does, and way more, for the same monthly price. It's not that kids don't want to spend or don't have money, it's that they're not stupid and actually research their shit before committing to a 2000$+ contract.

@Standish: But but but but... iPad!

What REALLY pisses me off is on youtube when widescreen with black bars (4:3) gets ripped and uploaded to youtube and they add vertical bars to compensate again (for 16:9). You only get a tiny window inside your window where stuff moves and is not always black.

@minibeardeath: Check the article's picture for examples. Those are the obvious and most offending ones though. Most of them are centered crops like the bottom one.

@Wwhat: could be automated though; don't all video formats need at least some info of how many lines and rows there are to display? Doesn't the TV stretch this output by messing with these numbers? Just build in an agent program instead of (or in addition to) an on/off switch.

@Guard: Excellent counter-point to your own point. *Golf clap*

@vinod1978: Flame posts get de-voweled sometimes.

@Korrupt: In fact they already kinda say that Sony is awesome-o.

@OCEntertainment: Sorry if you misunderstood, I was referring to where you said you were still in the process of finding something you like. Since everything has downsides, I was advocating you use not one, but maybe 2-3 services that fulfill whatever requirement you have. By having on-board media you bar the odd time

@Odin: Touché.

@Channan: Abandonware, too. It's also interesting to think that this is probably part of the reason we see re-releases of movies when new hardware platforms (DVD, Blu-Ray) emerge.