
Yes, I’m always kind of perplexed by the adulation of Portman as an actress. I always find her incredibly bland. Saw “Annihilation” last year and I think with a different lead it might have worked well, but Portman was so wooden, I ended up not caring what happened to her character.

Well right, there are roles where simply looking like Audrey Hepburn from the side is enough. Particularly where her character is supposed to be a cipher or projection or symbol of delicate beauty. But anything outside that lane is a disaster for her.

“Hey, I’m Nat, and today lets all make believe I’m a   Actress  .”

It’s very strange to me that she’s regarded as a good actress. In every film from the professional through this hot garbage, her “acting” is just looking kind of like Audrey Hepburn from the side.

Nat dont exactly “disappear” into her roles.

Ryan Murphy has always only been able to keep a show on track for 3 seasons max. Nip Tuck went soooo far off the rails after its third season, Glee was nuts by the time season 3 ended and Coven was last really solid American Horror Story season. They should just recognize this trend and not give him unlimited time to

This right here. This is the sort of thing that created the huge chasm between the original Star Wars trilogy and the Prequels. In the original trilogy, Lucas had multiple people reining in his wilder/more destructive instincts (using a voice over artist instead of Anthony Daniels’ performance, for example). With the

It is said that the Roman emperors would keep a slave whose one task in their household would be to stand by the shoulder of their master and, every so often, whisper into their ear “You are a mere mortal”.

Possibly. I just sighed and rolled my eyes at it.

Perhaps a more apt title for this season would’ve been American Horror Story: Inferno. This is not an allusion to the fire-scorched post-nuclear landscape, all the trips to the underworld, or the excessive mentions of Satan, his followers, and his son, but rather, to the hell we, the dutiful fans of this series, now

I don’t know why, but I just love the way you wrote this post — “cooking me with their tender little furnace bodies.” It’s just beautiful.

Six days. Six. I’m a gay dude and even I know that’s not a good sign.

WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the

Ikr? I was hoping to see mention of eco-funerals, but millennials are totes into irrigating corpses with toxic chemicals that end up in our food chain, I guess. 

It’s horrible, worse than car salesmen.

If we’re coming to terms with death, great. If we’re propping up the funeral scam industry, not great.

I only watched the first ep, but I imagine it’s what rich old crypto-fascist fucks whose grandchildren are enrolled at Exeter think modern public school is like.

I was significantly enraged by the “punching down” aspect of their comedy, like they were trying to write a hot take about so-called PC culture. I didn’t enjoy it at all. It wasn’t even good for a hate watch, since I was mostly nauseated and disappointed.

It doesn’t, that’s literally the review’s point

It’s strange how a myth that was used to justify torturing women to death has become such a pop culture phenomenon without any criticism for what it is.  How can a story that posits that witchcraft is real and really does involve fucking the devil (thus justifying all that witch burning) be feminist at all?