
I don’t believe Musk’s denials for a second. Azealia may be crazy for picking drama for no reason, but she always tells the truth in her drama (hyperbole? yes. flat out lies that will blow up on her? no). Russell Crowe learned that the hard way.

French films are so exhausting. I can handle one every like 5 years. Small silver lining of WW2 was America’s purposeful destruction of French Cinema in the Blum-Byrnes agreement. I intend to continue this tradition.

Amazing trailer. Won’t be paying to see this film though. The director is an asshole that constantly makes asshole statements. I wouldn’t shop at a store with an asshole manager and won’t see a movie with an asshole director.

The only hit Azealia has had came before the drama. Unless youre part of the crew managed by Scooter Braun, (selena gomez, Justin bieber, Kanye, etc.) drama isn’t usually a marketing strategy.

Um pretty sure we know what the answer is.... No one made a fuss because he was hot (and also because the victims weren’t going to file complaints), give him 10 more years, a receding hairline, and a bad breakup, and it all would’ve come crashing down.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is a horrible actress, who somehow did her worst acting, of a terrible track record of acting, in Buffy. Also, she did the least amount of stunts of anyone else on the show, making the action scenes cringeworthy.

Calm down, it’s the CW, trust she won’t be the only person who can’t act in that show. If there’s a network with a track record of pulling off good TV with bad actors, it’s the CW. (Must we mention Buffy?)

Loving the steady realization society is having that rich, white, gay men are in fact still, rich, white men. And, maybe, they aren’t amazing crusaders of progressive idealism, simply because they fought for the right to file their taxes as a married couple (while LGBT people of color routinely face violence, and

For some reason, you spelled “attempted murder” as “hoax”. Jezebel must have a crazy writing style guide!

That’s not an “ad hominem attack.” If you’re talking about issues of norms, and communal responsibility (like cigarette smoke in an apartment), being a New York transplant that hasn’t worked a day in their life, and has probably never stepped foot out of a 40 block radius, is entirely relevent to Duff’s case.

Then a just and fair judgment can be made by the interviewer.

Silly dumb store. That neighborhood might be gentrified, but the born-and-raised Brooklyn jury that’s about to award that woman huge sums of money will be heavily minority.

Again, why? Why is your focus—and, honestly, obsession—on punishment over rehabilitation? It’s irrational.

Didn’t you used to be able to get a dishonerable discharge if you were caught having sex with another man? Or doing gay porn in uniform?

the sense of justice in me really reallywants something like that to end up on their permanent record, so that every job application they would have to fill out henceforth, that follows them.

I do as well, but truthfully it’s sad that she has to in the first place. You can hear it in the video “i just want to write my paper,” but now because of this horrible white woman she has to endure the added stress/burden of looking for justice.

Omg, her likes/retweets since the incident on monday are AMAZING. This woman’s committment to performative social justice is hilarious.

I don’t understand, your first two sentences seem phrased as if they dispute my point, yet they clearly don’t? I clearly said “whatever your race, or even income.” Like.... that was the whole point of my comment...

I think it’s less that she’s embraced her white privelge, and more that she’s embraced being an UWS/UES New Yorker. She’s completely cut off from any real world debates or intellectual discussions, unless their dealt with in the New Yorker, NYT/WAPO, or a cover story on New York Mag (but only the cover stories...).

Cool. Now how about you arrest the ‘sex cult’ fraternities/sororities across this country that rountinely brand members on the ass (looking at you Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Sig...), and have way more power for social coercion than some random group of adults.