
Republicans see women as nothing more than baby spitting machines. Women are nothing but home makers incapable of intelligent thought over there. I wouldn’t call that being a prized possession. No matter what color you are, at the end of the day you’re nothing but a vagina to have sex with and produce babies from to

The point is just know we exist and don’t try to discredit us because you’re angry. Because trust, all true feminists of any color are just as disgusted by the outcome of this election as you are.

I mean, you understand the ones who voted for him don’t identity themselves as feminists right?

As a White feminist I’d just like to say, FUCK DONALD TRUMP. I can’t believe this shit. I feel nauseous thinking about it, and I feel even worse for what my brown husband will have to deal with when we come back home. Thinking of just staying in India for the rest of forever.

Why is everyone saying they’re booing him for voting? They’re booing him because he’s Donald fucking trump.

Didn’t he kind of already do that with his “I could murder someone and not lose a single voter” comment? Like “you people are so dumb and willing to follow anything I tell you to do, I could even shoot someone in your dumb fucking faces and you would STILL vote for me”.

My husband is from India, so we go there to visit his relatives pretty frequently. Last year my husband and myself along with his brother and sister in law took a very long trip to a resort kind of place, by car. Public bathrooms aren’t really a thing in India, which made me yearn for even the grossest of 7/11

No need to be snarky. Was just stating my opinion, which is what comment sections under articles are generally for yes?

That’s true for America but in other countries, specifically countries that are made up of mostly minorities, white women are fetishized. Depending on where you go in the world, women of every color are fetishized.

I’ve heard this argument alot, especially for woc, but aren’t all women essentially fetishized objects?

There’s this “meninist” site I found a few weeks ago where the men truly believe women shouldn’t be allowed any rights, because the people who fought all the wars back in the day were men, so they “earned it”. I have a few problems with this, including the fact that these particular men, along with their ancestors,

(Slightly off topic)

Same except my whole family voted for Trump. No matter the turn out, thanksgiving is gonna be a bitch this year.

I found this website recently for “meninisnt” (barf) that encourages all men to record all of their one night stands because women are so crazy they’ll just accuse you of rape all willy nilly.

There’s this post going around facebook that says something like “Donald Trump has been around beautiful women for decades...why is it only now that he’s being accused of sexual assault”...aka “HILLARY DID IT!!1"

This is a little off topic but also kind of not. I recently found this absolutely delicious website where men get together and talk about how women are conniving bitches who are slowly “taking the patriarchy away from them” but also we’re stupid and weak and absolutely not as smart as them. I can’t stop reading these

Have you guys heard his supporters defending this bullshit?

I mean that’s nice and all but what exactly are people SUPPOSED to do?

Bitch fuck off with that stay in your lane bullshit. Are you so dumb that you can’t acknowledge both sexism and racism are fucked? People can multitask. We can have separate thoughts about one particular situation. Goddamn people are dumb.

I fell asleep half way through your rant. Get over yourself.