I hate immature, nosey assholes like that. Grown men buy shit for their women, if necessary. Heck, my husband carries my purse in public when my back hurts... but at 6'4 and 270 lbs nobody dares to say anything to his face.
I hate immature, nosey assholes like that. Grown men buy shit for their women, if necessary. Heck, my husband carries my purse in public when my back hurts... but at 6'4 and 270 lbs nobody dares to say anything to his face.
See, I can’t even with this. My father (born during the GREAT DEPRESSION) would buy supplies and talk menstruation and mechanics like a damn boss. His mother was a nurse and he was an Ag major though - so he was informed about biology. he was also kind of a nudist which freaked out my gently reared southern momma at…
Yeah, with her knowing the class makeup demographically, I would take it personally. That she did it to stick it to them. Or she’s that blissfully unaware I guess.
Other some side-eye and pointed looks at others in the room (the “can you fucking believe this shit?” kind), no one reacted visibly or audibly at the time, but there was A LOT of talk about it after. My class is around 60% women, and since it’s an evening program our average age is 42. Some of my classmates have kids…
But balls are so damn delicate. Why are they held up as some kind of strength?
Ahem. Those are tribal tats. Way to be insensitive to his culture. You can tell from the shapes that he is from the Shrieking Douche-Nozzle tribe.
I did. It was kind of the last straw betwen us. During the same car ride, he kept saying weird shit about the fact I had a woman doctor too. Everything was overly sexual. Maybe I’m the weird one, but I don’t feel like I have to sexualize every relationship I have with women.
I hear this sort of thing often. My wife is the executive director of a domestic violence nonprofit and I frequently volunteer at her events, wear clothes with the organization’s logo and number and assorted feminist slogans, constantly try to recruit people at work to either attend events or donate, etc.
Excellent point! Men can also paint the signs, assemble the pamphlets, bake the cookies, run to Costco for cases of bottled water, call the phone-trees, arrange the rides home, sell the t-shirts— all the organizational gruntwork tasks that women are usually expected to do.
A former friend of mine could not get over the fact that my project leader was a woman a few years ago. He kept asking “don’t you want to fuck her?, isn’t it weird?” NO AND NO YOU MANIAC.
I’ve met many, many guys (especially those who are very pro-Trump) who are terrified of a problem they can’t punch into nonexistence.
Here’s the thing. If you are a male-identifying person and the thought of being around a bunch of women in vagina hats freaks you out, how about doing for women what we’ve been doing for you all along? Pack us lunches for the march. Watch our kids while we march. Make sure dinner is ready when we get home. Maybe…
Fun fact: one of my law school classmates wore that exact shirt to class last semester. It simultaneously filled me with rage and made me feel terribly sorry for her. She is about 10 years younger than the average age of the class and is seen by some of us old people as incredibly naive and sheltered. I’ve decided…
Uh, boys, if I may quote the great Betty White: Balls are weak and sensitive; vaginas can take a pounding.
It’s because being female & female things are considered lesser.
If you’re fucking a man who owns that shirt, you are part of the problem and I almost feel sorry for you due to how much you hate yourself.