
My MIL always says that she only has one drink in the evening....that gets refreshed 4-5 times with more booze and ice. That’s the way to go!

I know right - “start”?  LOL!

I’m working from home today.  I’ve been high since 10.

Holy shit that is not ok. You are 14. You need to call CPS stat. 

WFH (working fucking high) today.

Drink until you go to sleep tonight.  Then mimosa’s in the morning.  You are not starting drinking, you are continuing. Carry on. 

The second you leave work on Wednesday. 

Because they’re wealthy and entitled and as such they're problems aren't relatable. 

I was never a fan of the Young British Artists because they gave us so many hack fraud con-men like Hirst, and was pretty much praised in the UK because this mostly white well do to Brits were making gobs of money off of anything they touched and called art. I consider it a pretty low point in UK art as a whole and

Thank you, I hope at least one person reads this and opens their eyes to how much more women worry about tone, while men just plow on through, not giving a shit how they make everyone else feel.

‘K’ is easier to type when driving though.

Dear Nick,

Don’t text, ‘OK’, but do text ‘Sure thing’.

And if you’re a woman, your work e-mail has to strike a very delicate, near-impossible balance between “friendly” and professional. Too light of a tone, and you’re not taken seriously because you’re a flighty woman. Write in a matter-of-fact way that’s similar to your male colleagues, and you’re a joyless ballbuster.

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

It goes the other way in professional environments. If you use too many exclamation marks, and are too wordy, you’ll be immediately identified as a simpering, unconfident dicksneeze. I can’t stand getting emails with the subject being: ‘Hey! Can we get together to discuss next steps? Thank you!!! :D’

I just bang away at the keyboard so they see me typing and then just delete without ever responding. 

If we’re going to outlaw “OK” then we sure as shit need to also get rid of “Fine” 

Screw this.  If k or ok does the job that is what I am using.  If you can’t handle it.....too bad.

Merely 100? Count yourself lucky. Here in Seoul it has become THE thing to dress up in shiny polyester mockery of traditional clothing to parade around the historic downtown areas. I live in a historic area adjacent to one of the biggest tourist draws, and literally thousands of people are renting these things every