
I’m a little amazed her stash didn’t disappear into the police party fund. And yes, that is pretty sad when you start thinking about police like that.

Actually I have a Camry. The lights come on automatically when you start the car and turn off when you turn off the car and open the door. Assuming you leave it in that mode.

He’ll be released in a few hours, the shitty part is that between impound fees, fines and legal fees he probably could of bought an ounce of blow and really had himself a good time. Instead now he has to come down in a jail cell, not a good time.



#0 - make it less obvious that you are trying to manipulate people.

This list does work on many people but know that your being a manipulative asshole and if they do figure out what your doing, or they know these tricks already, all hell will break loose.

Several typos in this article — jarring ones. Names are wrong. And “causes me to stop crying” can’t be right.

Yes. I mean they’ll hunt, but they’d much rather eat road kill or fish heads if they can get it.

Considering that’s been the US’s default setting for international relationships in the past 35 years, it actually seems fitting they’re our national bird.

Hmm, like politicians.

Please don’t ever rely on UrbanDictionary or ED for your sex-education needs. ;)

The bald eagles in my neighbourhood are lazy, thieving, opportunistic scavengers. I’ve never seen one actually hunt. I do see them watching other animals hunt, and I watched one mug a seal and steal the tuna the seal had just caught. They’re basically vultures with good PR.

For my own part. I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not get his living honestly ... besides he is a rank coward: The little king bird not bigger than a sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district.

it’s not his fault they change their faces every 6 months

I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”

To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”

It was to distract the first responders . The attack at the stadium was likely never meant to kill many people, but if all the police rush there, it would and did take longer to respond at the theater.