
She should come to Seattle - a LOT of people do that here. :-)

Your mom?

Good Lord, where do you live - Kansas? I can’t imagine anyone living in a multicultural environment having that kind of attitude...

Republicans tried to do that to Obama, so why not?

“Seriously, I did not get intubated for fun when they shot me up with enough epinephrine to have a Welsh Pony set a land speed record and then die from cardiac explosion.”

Two word:

A *lot* of people (especially men) don’t know that. Sorry. :-/

I can never follow the puck at live games, unless I’m down front. Which never happens. :-(

Can’t ....stop....laughing... ≧◡≦

Every buff guy I’ve dated *SUCKED* in bed! They thought because they were soooo hawt that they could just lay there & get serviced. Ummmmmm...no. That’s NOT how that works!

I’m betting this chick would would set that poster on *FIRE*!

I got it from my Twitter feed - if I see any more, I’ll def post them. :-)

And here’s a site if you want to help with their water bills:

It’s not that they’re unpainted, it’s that I can see her cuticles & they look dry. Some cuticle remover & lotion/oil would help.

Step right up! ;-)

That’s exactly what happened to me. It took decades for me to get over it, for the most part. It’s straight-up brainwashing your kid.

And a snazzy dresser! :-D

I wish I could’ve gone to that show. I have all their stuff - I bet it was incredible! :-D