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    BS about the coming in to vote. Irregardless of whether it was crucial or not, SHE DESERVES THE RIGHT TO VOTE WITHOUT IT BEING A MAJOR PROBLEM FOR HER. To heck with your condescending attitude.


    And.... is this legal? I cannot keep track of different states’ laws about taping conversations.

    I was going to say something similar. My family went through something similar but different, and it was hell. But we have come out through out of the other side, as it were, and are doing better. As I told somebody recently, I dream about my parents - but they are good dreams. I still miss them horribly, but am able

    Gotta love how she embraces the repug’s “It’s the woman’s fault for acting/doing/wearing/being.... when something like this happens.

    So... in other words, mccain was being misogynistic pig. Blaming the victim is ALWAYS their first go-to.

    I hope he peed on his dad.

    Ah, Dan. You’re a national treasure.

    But drumpster has jared on it as well as conjob. What could go wrong.....

    Newsflash: WA state just joined the club. I heart our state.

    He’s a political whore, so he has no problem mouthing this crap.

    Ol’ frothy just gets puffier and more disgusting every day.

    She may be in school, but she complained about how tough it was on her social schedule, so, nope. Not much sympathy there.

    Such sad, sad eyes....

    No, clueless wonder.

    I’m guessing you’re too effing lazy to research it a little.

    PLEASE tell me where the dog’s carrier wouldn’t fit under the seat but *WOULD* in the overhead compartment.

    Let’s face it - zoos are keeping species around.

    People like to feel superior, I guess. I don’t see the absolute horribleness of making a mistake - we all do it. You’ve acknowledged you were wrong (but right, when you think about it), so dinna fash yourself any more.

    I WILL wade into the debate with people who say that zoos are horrible, terrible places. I say that the “classical” zoo model is changing, and I’d rather see the species live on in a zoo until they can be re-introduced into their native habitat.