In 2016, ABC News even hired an executive coach to help her relate better to her colleagues. However, it didn’t work.
In 2016, ABC News even hired an executive coach to help her relate better to her colleagues. However, it didn’t work.
“These views and actions do not represent ABC News’s values. We just hired her, supported her, and protected her from the numerous complaints.”
Can someone working for jezebel/gawker explain why this commenter is allowed to continue commenting on these sites day after day?
It’s a wrongful death suit. The lawyer who took it believes the payday is at the end of the trial. If not, the family is going to be in debt to him for a while.
Lawyer is probably working pro bono.
If I were a multi-millionaire, I would simply quietly enjoy my millions!
Man, Gwyneth and J.K. should have a can’t-shut-the-fuck-up off. Not sure which one is misjudging the moment more.
The nighttime scene of singing/scar comparing/U.S.S. Indianapolis story telling/shark attacking blows me away every time I see it.
Amen. I will go to the mat for this movie as a piece of film, and on an issue level: if more cops were like Brody (i.e. NOT deeply enchanted with themselves as heroic he-men), the world would be a better place.
I happened to catch Jaws about 2-3 weeks into the pandemic and the similarity of that situation to watching the Lt Gov of Texas basically telling the senior citizens of Texas to “take one for the team” and launch themselves headfirst into the shark’s mouth...well that was one big guffaw I let out when that epiphany…
A f’en men (plus this is one of my all time favorite movies so I’ll fight for it). Here is a meme my cousing shared with me back in April that I think fits in here nicely:
They exist to protect the company, not the employee.
Yeah, that’s the right take.
Against this social backdrop, the absurdity of the 45-year-old mother of all summer blockbusters, Jaws, has never been clearer. It is the story of a cop, with no background in marine biology and, in fact, hatred of water, taking it upon himself to hunt a great white shark, a vulnerable apex predator whose survival is…
The cop vs. shark angle seems like a poor fit with the BLM movement. If I were to analogize current events to Jaws, it’d to compare COVID-19 opening issues with the mayor’s decision to keep the beaches open for the sake of the economy despite the obvious evidence of danger.
Mayor Larry Vaughn is the villain of the movie.
Nah, if you look at photos of her before she blew up - totally different face shape and nose. It’s like looking at pre/post photos of Bella Hadid’s nose
I’m sure she did the interview months ago or whatever, but I just really don’t care about how poor Anna Kendrick got rained on while filming a movie that helped launch her Hollywood career.