so you like hyper masculine dudes?
so you like hyper masculine dudes?
Letter writer #2, be hot. Be confident and hot. I'm a masculine 25 yr old, white, tall athletic, blue eyed hung blonde guy. I have 0 problems pulling pussy. Go to the gym and work your ass off.
letter writer #1, you're that annoying schlubby guy at the party who is hitting on the girl who is outta your league. Plain and simple. Approach girls who are on your level and don't be a fucking negative nancy!
or a fem/fat power bottom?
and now for the long list of privileged white girls who would never watch this show gush about how great this show is. Doesn't make you any less racist, ladies
because they sound like dip shits? The brains of an nfl team (quarterback and coach) are usually white
Another reason why most of my gay friends aren't behind this cause. Homophobia is rampant in the black community. Maybe it's because gays move into their shitty hoods and dress the place up and kick out the useless "residents" all the while raising the value of the neighborhood!
Because no one really gives a fuck about your "struggle". Blaming the white folks for your problems will get you nowhere. Every fucking armed/strong armed robbery suspect in my city is They drive around on illegal dirt bikes, quads, motor scooters terrorizing the neighborhood. These are 10-18 yr old…
So many naive hipsters around here.
yes the fuckery being the black people storming the pd hq