Not to mention Frank is basically him (or the Domhnall Gleeson character is, more precisely) and he co-wrote Okja.
Not to mention Frank is basically him (or the Domhnall Gleeson character is, more precisely) and he co-wrote Okja.
Eventually, everyone who is now or ever was a porn performer will be dead.
This is what makes me queasy about you and considering not reading more of your reporting:
Cut to Drake, who seems, quite unfairly, to be highlighted as the villain here.
People who have sex with other people for money have the right to refuse to have sex with whoever they want. Nobody is obligated to have sex with gay men if they don’t want to. There’s nothing homophobic about performers having boundaries about who they want to perform with. This is basic common sense.
I don’t think anyone familiar with Ronson or his work could make the claims the original poster does. Ronson spends most of his Twitter time fending off people asking him to weigh in on topical online shamings. He also pleads with people not to diagnose mental health conditions from a distance which is another thing…
These are tricky waters to wade into, but I have found Ronson’s other reporting to be sensitive. With regards to his writing on public shaming, his conclusion is about our complicity as spectators in the shame game. To say he is deciding who is worthy of compassion is to misunderstand his piece.
Or just go buy curtains!
Melvin Rowland is African-American. Frankly, I don’t believe the LDS church is that progressive.
I simply can’t imagine having to live with Katy Perry every day. She just seems so extra extra that the drama would never stop. Good luck Orlando my one-time LOTR crush.
Fam, I thought Bob Barker had already died an indeterminate amount of time ago, so this story was very confusing for me. But also, cool, I’m glad he’s still around at age 94 (!).
Let’s find out.
I was like “whoa, why’s this person being so defensive when I was calling them ‘reasonable’?”, then I reread my comment. It comes off as VERY sarcastic. To clarify— I genuinely found your comment reasonable, but also wanted to make a dumb joke, because internet commenting. I still find the satire in this video problema…
I agree. However, to me, planning that the kid is going to get tired and crabby and tired and might need a place to crash while other activities continue on as normal is enough and fine. The kid being snoozy in a stroller that maybe they are bit too big for means that people can get their five year olds acclimated to…
I think Melania’s outrage is based on the fact that T.I. is a black man.
her camp is divided between those who think Cardi should bury the hatchet,
Sorry, I don’t want to remember breatfeeding - I have enough memories that make me cringe and induce anxiety.
I think one possible line to draw, which you could maybe point to as being less arbitrary, is stopping before your child is old enough to remember breastfeeding. My earliest memories are from when I was about 3 1/2 years old; some may remember a little before that, so 36 months might be a safe point.
To be fair, the WHO tracks nursing in all areas of the world. If you are in an area that is food insecure or who doesn’t regularly have access to proper nutrition, of course you are going to BF as long as you possibly can. In the western world, it is just not necessary for the child.
I BF my twins, (so I have my street…