Kay is going down with the ship

All I can think of when I see Xan as a name is this Xan:

Hey, MD - not sure if you, Kinja, or thetallblonde themselves deleted their comment, but it was valid and I think it should be here. I definitely don’t always agree with the tone some Jez authors take, but I understand the inclination toward sarcasm/flippancy in the specific cases you mentioned.

This is the turning point for the environmental movement! It’s starting to affect the dicks so now it’s serious!

A whole shitload of people?  Don’t forget The Cosby Show was one of the most culturally significant sitcoms of all time.  We aren’t talking about “Just the Ten of Us” here.

Cardi B seems annoying as fuck.

The inevitable backlash will do great things for his persecution complex.

Yeah but not every woman in America has the talent to...

I think Russell Armstrong still takes the cake - followed by Joe Guidice. Even though this clip of him chipping his tooth still makes me cry laughing because hes such a monster.

You can argue whether he was a creep or not, but it was absolutely not sexual abuse in the 3rd degree. Either you didn’t read the original article (don’t, it’s so fucking terrible) or the New York statute you’re quoting.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

Speaking as a person who has had shingles twice in her 31 years (once about 4 years ago, once in January), it definitely can be. The first time was having to fire a long term volunteer at my job who had some severe issues with alcoholism and and I got it. Most recently, it was because my fiance passed away. Some

It definitely can be. Most of the time, the people most at risk are those over the age of 50 (and I think risk increases as you get older) and people who are immuno-compromised. However, if you’ve had chicken pox and go through a particularly stressful time, it’s not a guarantee, but it may flare up. I got it last

I liked him more when I heard less about him...

I have a Sparks (or as we called it “sparkys) story! When I was in grad school I was super hungover and headed into work at 8 am. (This was when Sparks was brand new) I stopped a 7/11 and grabbed what I thought was an energy drink and got into my car and drove to work- enjoying this new type of energy drink. After

Grocery charity is both the saddest (because why should it be necessary) and most awesome (because most liberating) charity in the world. I was once at T&T market in Vancouver, and short like 90 cents on my bill at the store, and I was desperate for the food, and without another word the bagger leaned over and scanned

well that was Freudian

RHOBH is easily the darkest of all the franchises. I’m sure it’ll get brought up at some point.

i hope her 100 old ass pugs

That’s brilliant.

Rihanna didn’t even shave her eyebrows off and draw them back pencil thin!!!

The makeup artist “erased” them with foundation, drew the pencil brows on, and they photoshopped out the texture of the brow hairs in post production. I pity the fools who do this IRL.