She’s replacing Cannon as the host, as Mandel says, right? Not as a judge, like the headline states.
She’s replacing Cannon as the host, as Mandel says, right? Not as a judge, like the headline states.
Chelsea Handler bugs the crap out of me.
If Jezebel is gonna publish stories about child-molestation-enabler Mama June’s fucking weight loss, it seems odd to complain about the awful possibility of a reality show that will bolster the fame and fortune of murderer OJ Simpson. Either it’s okay to slobber over reprehensible people because of their celebrity…
Well, sometimes things outside of work can make you cry. You might just happen to be at work when it comes up. That said, if your job is what’s always making you cry, yeah, maybe look for something that isn’t wrecking you emotionally.
An hour and fifteen minutes away? Some people’s daily commute is longer than that...
Third base only. Shower first.
RIGHT?!? There are maybe 8 chips on that plate. I typically have more on my shirt when I finish my lunch.
But Naomi normally gets along with everyone.
K so none of my male friends have children yet but we rented a cottage last summer that had a wood stove. I was being Cottage Mom and unpacking groceries while 6 grown men tried and failed to split this one piece of timber for like 10 straight mins. (They chose one with a knot in it...inexperience showing.) At this…
They’re only chopping wood because the coal mine closed. :-(
The women writers leave for a day and already the men of this site can’t stop talking about their dicks.
2X1 jalapeño mango-ritas?!? That deal is worth it even if you have to drink them in the same room as Casey Anthony.
Just name the new ones “Drunk RedacTED Talks”
When protesters are actually paid then we’ll be able to afford to strike - I will refrain from shopping.