Kay is going down with the ship

Yeah, he definitely didn’t have a $750 million reputation to begin with.

If you mean Irish culture or German culture or Italian culture, etc. sure, I can get behind that. But I’d be curious to hear what “white culture” is.

exactly. you get it

Yes, you are the only one.

We may not know what happened, but we do know that Angelina made this as public as possible on the very first day and has been issuing press releases ever since. If she cared about the kids she wouldn’t be waging this divorce war in such a public way.

I think she wants to cut him out so she can drag those poor kids all over the world without having to run it by dad. Also, I think cutting people out of her life is just something she does. She seems like a complete nut case.

My teenage sister does that - she takes instagrams of her polaroids. She wears rugby sweaters and velvet chokers, she knows all the words to *NSYNC songs because it’s cool and ironic. Sometimes I just want to shake her and scream ‘LIVE IN THE NOW, GIRL, THE FUTURE IS GREAT’ but what can you do. Youths.

That sounds fabulous. I’ll bring the brie.

Tom Hardy is the sexiest thing on this planet but this look is just no good.

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

I cannot tell a lie: I’d happily bang either of them. Or both of them. Or let either or both of them bang me.

“Stingma” has to be the best portmanteau I’ve seen since the election was over. Cheers!

DiCaprio was partying with nine unidentified models.

Also, the legal obligation to disclose HIV+ status to partners has its basis in the concept of sexual consent. Like, idk about everyone else, but I’m super not okay with the idea of muddying up consent requirements?

Just me or... ?

The fanatical, obsessive Barb love was the most confusing thing about 2016 to me.

Now playing

Youtube pranksters are the fucking devil. Saleh is one of the worst; his shtick is exactly this. One of his videos is “Counting down in Arabic on a plane”. Another, posted below, is him pulling hijabs off Muslim women in public, “to see how people react”. He’s a professional asshole, another entitled YouTube piece of

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

She heard it being referenced on Entertainment Tonight and realized this Bacon thing was bigger than 2 Canadian pre-teens from the suburbs.

My mother believed for years that my brother and I invented the Kevin Bacon game.