Kay is going down with the ship

Counter-counterpoint:  all ranch dressing is disgusting and no one should ever eat it. 

reading the ingredients, naturally I experienced some hesitancy

Very good people all around I’m sure. 

Yeah Starbucks does not taste good and costs a fortune. My bf loves it so when he forces me to go there I order something wildly expensive so I can keep it down. I’m DD all the way; I’m not going to pay top dollar for chain coffee.

I love that she told Us exclusively that she is a loving parent. Like, I wouldn’t say this to anyone else, but on the low, Us, I love my children.

seemingly reformed Jax Taylor

I really REALLY hope he is not the nominee and, while I will vote for him if he is, I wouldn’t call it having my support by any means.  

I hope they start giving me what I want which is for both of them to like pipe the fuck down for a little while.  Sheesh. 

I mean, how many times did he do this before her?  I think 3?  And he is 27.  So I would have said maybe don’t get pregnant by this dude in the first place.  At a certain point, what do you expect?

Wow.  Almost like watching the woman you are engaged to hysterically fawning over another man for a year would rub one the wrong way!

Where is the poll tho?

sex so good it made her feel like a virgin

I overall think that she delivers messages that are important and necessary, but just the way both of them, definitely not just her, have been acting about this movie is tiresome (I didn’t even watch this speech tbh, just saw her crying face in every single photo and thumbnail from the ceremony). In the past I have

Is anyone else like at the end of their tolerance for her sobbing?  And her and Cooper like falling all over each other in tears about how amazing they are?  I am so over it.  Calm down guys, you just made a movie.  The fourth iteration of said movie even.  It was good but jfc they need to chill. 

I assume so since she is a Kennedy and they’re pretty famously Catholic. 

The worst Chris. 

I’m sure it has its issues and whatnot, but I love the original movie.  Maybe it’s because I saw it when it came out, but I find the movie to be quite charming and entertaining.  I’ll probably see this remake since I liked the original and I enjoy Henson, but “anal isn’t cheating” frankly does not endear it to me so

I’ve been pretty undecided on whether or not I think he is guilty since I first listened to the show when it came out, but what I am not unsure of is that it sounds like he did not have a fair trial and that defense attorney was not adequate. 

I feel bad for both the Lee family and also the person who is spending their life in prison after having had an unfair trial.  Guilty or not, that trial/defense attorney sounded like a whole lot of bs. 

And honestly, I don’t really find him all that funny. You will not find me standing in line to be on suicide watch for the guy who looks like the annoying orange and thinks he is hilarious just because he might have a big dick.  There is plenty of dick out there.