what if...we just didn’t put Johnny Depp in any more movies?
what if...we just didn’t put Johnny Depp in any more movies?
Ugh thank you. I don’t care if you smoke weed, but for fucks sake can’t you come up with anything else to talk about?!?!
Looks that way
Since when does bigfoot have a tail?
Ok but after finishing the whole thing, I still can’t understand fully why Cindy didn’t step up.
When Blanca was put on that ICE vehicle was the only time I teared up this season. And her man waiting for her with flowers looking around. That fucking killed me.
I’d cut him out of my life too. Dude sounds like he sucks big time.
Glad Cardi is getting all that free food from Chipotle so she can afford this car. The lord provides.
I feel...not sad about this. Kind of fuck Lululemon.
I understand neither the tone nor purpose of this piece.
I, for one, welcome their departure from social media. They are so annoying. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Wouldn’t it be cool if restaurants gave free food to people who weren’t rich and actually needed it?!?! Like, maybe if they left that pile of coupons in a park or something. It super pisses me off when companies do shit like this.
That montage had me crying my eyes out. Buuuut yeah bye bye to exes.
Excellent job selecting the ugliest photo of her I have ever seen.
That is worse
Probably her mommy.
I thought the point of Teen Mom OG was that it was the Original Girls, like from the original show. I haven’t watched the show in years, but this trash woman is not what would bring me back.
Yeah it is all pretty shit. I don’t even get sick time. Just ten vacation days, full stop. Pretty stoked that I fully am repulsed by the idea of having children, because I’m not quite sure how anyone affords it.
Yes, I was using sarcasm. I agree that all of this is terrible.
Damn, she was a new employee and got TWELVE paid days off??? I am not new and I only get 10. Lucky girl.