
ultra keyboard under Peripherals is an android app....

This seems like a slide in case that has the ability to also make calls... for smaller phones I like those types of cases, ( aka for when I had the Palm Pre).. for the iphone though, probably would be annoying

Even though it is on jelly bean that still means it will take a while for the problem to be fixed.. Unless the devs only release the apps for jelly bean and up

You should also look into "Google Music" which would allow you to stream your entire movie collection ( for the note)

Why do you use an Android and an ipod touch? They share a majority of the same apps, and the Android can hold the same music/videos that the ipod does... isn't it just easier carrying around one device? ( your phone)

For some reason the G4 imac always was my favorite. It wasn't the specs or the smoothness ( I had a ton of problems with that computer).. something about it always made me like it.. probably was the design..

Itunes lets you boost the volume 100% louder ( and vlc as well).. and I am pretty sure this can be done in terminal as well, the app basically just puts a GUI on it

Troll much?

I think there is a glossy trend because its easier for them to show greater contrast on glossy.. in the case of laptops, i wish every glossy screen would be covered by glass etc, so it the fingerprints are at least able to be wiped away easily... I read an article ( prob on giz a while ago) about glass that has no

Does anyone know where the image used in the article comes from? ( if anyone ever sees this comment)

This article doesn't correctly state it, but they are REBUILDING the island.. it was there but was mostly washed away by erosion... They didn't start from scratch

The Retina Macbook Pros are capable of being on the list of the best. They have reasonably high specs for high end laptops ( specifically the retina that comes stock with the 256mb SSD, and 8gb Ram stock)..And they also have one of the best screens that size on a laptop... ( The screen alone probably got them on the

VOTE: Swiftkey 3

Does anyone think there is a major difference between the 2.6 ghz cpu ( with 6mb L3 cache) and the 2.7ghz (with 8mb L3 cache)? does L3 cache make that much of a difference ( mostly for gaming on a windows side and video conversions)

im not saying i could do better. I am just stating that it is extremely complicated and the landing method is new, untested and has a lot of ways to fail without backups

I am talking about 7 just with the landing. There are way more for the rest of the journey.. but the landing itself has 7 points of failure ( where if it goes wrong there is no backup and it won't end up landing correctly)

the thing has 7 discrete points of failure... who designs something with that many individual ways that it can fail? ( if 1 of the 7 fail the entire thing will not land properly)

Vote: Asus RT-N56U

I seem to think Asus has some of the best routers on the market, and they also release updates very frequently to fix any minor bug that may appear ( although my RT-N56U doesn't auto update and you need to manually go to their site to check).. I'd just stick with the router you have now

While I see the advantages in this and can see if succeeding. My only concern is the implementation between the ecosystems of the 2 tablets ( the ARM and x86).. Unless one is emulating the other or MSFT finds a way to convert the apps to work on both ( not sure if this was mentioned before). But having devs design 2