I'd say that Steam and the app store (the actual application that comes with Mac OSX) are more direct competitors.. since steam only sells computer based games and itunes is only Ios based games
I'd say that Steam and the app store (the actual application that comes with Mac OSX) are more direct competitors.. since steam only sells computer based games and itunes is only Ios based games
more on this is on Andy Grignon's facebook
A lot of international flights have 1 tv per person... ( with tvs bigger than the tiny ones that jetblue has in every seatback)
I'm pretty sure this is SpaceX second attempt to get Scotty's ashes into space... with the first attempt being on one of their early early rockets.. that blew up on the launch pad..I guess they aren't launching all of his ashes into space.. just some of them
Zuckerberg sold that amount worth of shares to pay taxes on his new net wealth... it had more to do with tax reasons than him trying to cash out...
I use a hacked wii, with the WiiMC media player app.. Gets the job done and uses things I already had around.. only down side is that it is limited to component.... gets the job done well, can't complain
I like not being forced to reply to everyone.. but when i want to reply to the entire group I have a 1 pixel by 1 pixel image in my phone that I attach to the reply
The one thing i don't understand is that there are technically more Android devices out there, that also have the same apps ( maps and google search as the main search engine etc).. is google not making as much on android because they also are spending a lot on research etc? numerically I the article doesn't make…
While the US was behind getting the ball rolling..... everything the above article mentions, with the incorrect paperwork etc is all on the New Zealand side
This is New Zealand.. not the USA.... its all New Zealand law and New Zealand police ... This has nothing to do with the US police or US courts....
double post ( yay firefox)
USB3 is backwards compatible
The original article is a terrible example of journalism discouraging people from becoming organ donors. The author tries to convince people that doctors nonchalantly decide that children and adults have suffered brain death in order to declare them organ donors. In reality, physicians struggle to decide how best to…
A lot of physician's offices are moving towards digital prescriptions for medications.. so this would remove the doctor's handwriting aspect to the problem.. I am not entirely sure, but this may also be included in the forced change to digital charts that will take effect eventually
I read somewhere that even if you clear the search history, Google still collects it for the account, and after a certain amount of time they remove most information tracing it back to you... I'm pretty sure it is the same thing for this as well...Google is an Ad company, they keep tabs on what you do, this just…
There are 2 models.. Model B and Model A... Model A which is cheaper is 25$, Model B is 35$
You should be able to with bootcamp
Google Voice is very very different than Voice Actions... just an FYI ... google voice has nothing to do with voice actions